More Drunk Kurapika

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Leorio's p.o.v.

"Hey Reolio," Kurapika waved. Kurapika was standing in the doorway, drenched with water from the rain.

"Get in here," Leorio grumbled, pulling Kurapika into the house. He sat him on the couch and closed the door. He was glad Kurapika was okay after his work party.

"I want a kiss," Kurapika slurred, doing duck lips.

"No. No kisses. You're getting dry, and then going to bed."

Kurapika whined and stuck out his bottom lip.

"You're drunk."

"Pleaseeeeeee?" Kurapika begged, standing up.

"No. Come on so you can dry off," Leorio said. He grabbed Kurapika's hand and led him to the bathroom. Kurapika giggled the whole way.

"On the toilet, now," Leorio said. Kurapika laughed as he sat down. Leorio sighed and started a warm bath. As he waited for the tub to fill up, he undressed a squirming Kurapika.

Knock knock

"Pyro, your dad is drunk, please go away."

Leorio strained his ears to hear his son walk away, but to no avail, he couldn't hear his son.

"That's what I get for adopting a severely traumatised child," Leorio muttered. He looked at the tub, which was now full. He turned the water off and picked Kurapika up. He put the blond in the tub.

Kurapika immediately laid down and blew bubbles under the water. Leorio giggled at his husband. As much as he didn't like Kurapika drinking, he was cute when drunk.

"Sit up so I can wash your hair," Leorio said, reaching into the tub to pull on Kurapika's arm. Kurapika sat up and pouted.

"No shirt," kurapika demanded. Before Leorio could scold Kurapika, he spoke again. "It'll get wet." Leorio nodded and took his tee off. Kurapika was right, but now Leorio was cold.

"You owe me cuddles once we're done," Leorio grumbled, grabbing the shampoo and rubbing it gently in Kurapika's hair.

"Why no cuddles now?" Kurapika asked.

"I'm not cuddling you in water."

Kurapika groaned and pouted as Leorio continued to wash his hair. Leorio grabbed some water from a cup and poured it over Kurapika's head. He then went to grab the conditioner, but Kurapika bit his arm.

"Ouch! Kurapika, let go," Leorio hissed.

Kurapika let go. "No conditioner."


"I want bubbles," Kurapika said, splashing the water.

"No," Leorio said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Kurapika whined. Leorio drained the tub and helped Kutrapika out and into a towel. Leorio dried his hair by patting it with a towel.

"Cuddles?" Kurapika asked hopefully once they reached their bedroom.

"Let's get you dressed first," Leorio laughed. Kurapika stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. Leorio laughed harder and grabbed a pair of Kurapika's boxers along with one of Leorio's collage tees. He handed the clothes to Kurapika, who stared at them, and proceeded to hand them back to Leorio.

Leorio sighed. "Lift your arms." Kurapika lifted his arms, and Leorio put the shirt on. He then helped Kurapika into his boxers.

Leorio got into bed and patted the space in front of him. Kurapika shook his head and got in bed behind Leorio. He shrugged. If Kurapika wanted to be the big spoon, that was fine with him. As long as Kurapika slept, he was happy.

"Good night, Sunshine."

"Good night Mr Reolio."

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