Another Regression Chapter =^-^=

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A/N: If there's anything you want to see from me, message me or comment on any chapter and tell me a prompt! If you don't like age regression and/or baby talk, then don't read this /nm

Leorio's p.o.v.

Leorio was lying in bed. It was evening and he was comfortable. He didn't want to leave his bed as it was warm and felt like being on a cloud. He needed something to eat.


Leorio sat up and grabbed his phone. He had a message from Kurapika. Leorio opened the text.

Sunshine: Leowio?

Leorio: Yeah?

Sunshine: can we cal?

Leorio: Sure, gimmie a moment to turn on my lights

Sunshine: Oki ^^

Leorio reached over to his lamp and turned it on.

Leorio: Imma call now.

Leorio hit the call button and Kurapika picked up immediately. He put his phone on speaker.

"Hiii!" Kurapika giggled.

"Hey, little one," Leorio said. Kurapika giggled. Leorio smiled as he pictured Kurapika's smile. "Is everything alright?" Leorio asked.


"What's up?"

"A girl named Neon is being mean to me," Kurapika said.

"Can you find someone named Melody after this?" Leorio asked. He hoped Melody would help Kurapika.


"Okay. How is Neon being mean to you?" Leorio asked.

"'She's mad I'm acting childish."

"I'm sorry little one. There's nothing wrong with acting childish as long as you're being safe, not hurting others and taking care of yourself," Leorio said. He heard Kurapika giggle, which made him smile.

"So, how's your day been?" Leorio asked.

"It's good," Kurapika said. Leorio smiled.

"Good. Do you have a stuffie with you?" Leorio asked.


"I'm sorry," Leorio said, suppressing a yawn. He could stay on the call a little longer.

"It's not your fault!" Kurapika exclaimed. He heard Kurapika yawn.

"You sound tired. I'll read you a story if you promise to go to bed after the call," Leorio said.


Leorio grabbed a book from under the bed and read to Kurapika. Once Leorio was done, he wish Kurapika goodnight, and hung up, going to bed shortly after plugging his phone in.

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