// Virgin's Blood //

28 1 4

-SilentEvil- /-Ink_Ribbon-
Here's the chapter for Billy and Stu. Sorry for not writing it out and publishing it sooner, admittedly I haven't had much motivation, and I've been feeling pretty down, so I wanted to wait to write the chapter until I felt I had enough motivation to write a chapter that wouldn't come out half-assed.
I ended up being sick today though, so I decided to just write this all out to take my mind off everything.
Whenever you read this chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Some of these will be angstier due to the ships being horror-oriented.

AU: Partial AU of the Canon Verse

Ship: Kiku x Stu


Stu's robe going missing after a party and him searching literally everywhere he can think of for it, completely confused as to where the damn thing could have gone, only for him to head to the bedroom and to find Kiku sound asleep, wearing the robe.

Kiku getting lost in Stu's eyes and mumbling about how pretty they are, only for Stu to point out she's talking out loud, resulting in her stuttering and blushing.

Kiku stroking Stu's cheek and telling him he has the prettiest blue eyes.

Kiku probably tries to ask Stu out a few different times but fails each time. This is due to a multitude of reasons. Her finding out he has a girlfriend when trying to ask him out, Billy intervening and ruining the attempt, or her just being so insecure and brought down by the previous attempts that she loses her nerve and backs down.

Stu finding out that Kiku actually moved on at some point and started dating the town outcast; a boy named Slade and feeling the same way she felt for so long.
This could have the outcome of him trying to get involved in the relationship since in his mind, she'll always be his, even if nothing was ever official.

Kiku trying a sip of beer for Stu only to exclaim yuck and rush to the bathroom to wash out her mouth, all while Stu's laughing.

Stu having to hurt Kiku in order to keep suspicion off himself and Billy, and Kiku finding out. He probably can't stand the tears in her eyes, or the way she mutters that his pretty blue eyes feel like monsters she can't look away from as her bottom lip quivers.

Kiku still finding Stu attractive, even with the scars he'd eventually have. She'd undoubtedly try to reassure him that he's still beautiful, especially since she understands how deep insecurities can run and how badly they can affect day-to-day life.


AU: Patial AU of the Canon Verse.

Ship: Kiku x Billy


Billy watching Kiku while she babysits Charlie, smiling to himself while she plays with his little brother, maybe even mumbling to himself about how he'd like to join in, or maybe have a family of his own that feels so warm one day.

Billy finding excuses to talk to Kiku while she's babysitting Charlie. The most common way being him seeing her head into the kitchen, and him following close behind, saying he needs a drink, all so he can corner her at the fridge and talk to her.

Billy actually being stunned and choked up when Kiku tells him she hates him because he told Stu about her crush on him, which leads to Stu picking on her rather harshly and breaking her heart by saying he wouldn't date a girl like her.

Kiku convincing Billy to dress up as Fred for Charlie on Halloween, and Billy only agreeing if he gets to pick Kiku's costume out.

Billy finding out that Kiku befriended an outcasted boy; Slade, and being upset she no longer focuses on him and brings Slade over to babysit Charlie, befriends Slade and shows Kiku that he's just like him and Stu.
This likely leads to Kiku becoming rather depressed since she's lonelier than ever.

Kiku coming to one of Stu's parties because she feels lonely and just ends up feeling like she doesn't fit in. She ends up sitting with Billy because he's watching scary movies and she wants to watch to. She ends up falling asleep with him.

Kiku buying Billy a horror figurine for his birthday, and ends up making Billy cry in happiness when he admits his father forgot it was his birthday.


AU: Partial AU of the Canon Verse

Ship: Billy x Kiku x Stu


Kiku crying during horror films that focus on young children getting hurt, and Billy and Stu falling into a panic, trying to find out what's wrong.
This would lead to Kiku admitting that as she's gotten older, as well as babysitting Charlie, that scary movies showing children being hurt started to affect her. The best example of this is her starting to cry when Gage dies in Pet Sematary.

If Billy and Stu were to both fall for Kiku after hurting her, only to find out that she's moved on with someone else, "The Show Must Go On" would probably be an accurate depiction of how things would go if they let their darker urges tasks over rational thought;

Billy and Stu getting drunk at a party and passing out, only to wake up the next morming with coffee prepared for them both, alobg with migraine pills left for them on the counter.

The three raising Charlie like he's their own son and spoiling him. He'd probably be a momma's boy.

Stu and Billy befriending Kiku's new boyfriend, helping him gain popularity, all so they can get close to Kiku.
They'd probaby be amused by the flaws that they brought out in her boyfriend since it'd be easier to make themselves look like the good guys who's comforting her, when in actuality, they're the bad guys in her mind since everything was fine until they stepped in.


If there's anything you'd like to add that you've thought of, I'd be happy to hear.

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