// A Vampire's Melancholy //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
These are the imagines/headcanons that you asked for! These will be for both Eve and Kiku, so if any of these give you scenario inspiration; be it for Eve or Kiku, I'd be happy to do an RP of any of these for you.

If you have any of your own headcanons for either Eve or Kiku, feel free to post them in the comments below. I'd be happy to hear them.
I always love to hear your headcanons, especially for Kiku since it's interesting how you see her LIs feeling about her.

Little Note - Since you mentioned in PM yesterday that Kiku x Alucard has always been one of your favorite ships, I wanted to mention that it's one of my favorite ships as well to the point that I love it as much as Kiku x Slade and Kiku x Stu. Alucard is always an option for Kiku to be shipped with. ^~^

Imagines Set #1:

AU: None

Ship: Multicharacter x Eve


Pip always had feelings for Eve, even before knowing that she was a woman. Though having originally thought she was a man due to her disguising herself as once, he originally brushed off these feelings as a bromance.
Though after finding out she was a woman, he pursued these feelings, wanting to see what it may lead to. Much like how he is with Seras, he is far more respectful to Eve than he is to most women.

Integra holds Eve in high regard since she sees a lot of similarities between herself and Eve. She can tell that Eve has a lot of the same insecurities that she herself has, such as her worries about growing older.
Integra often invites Eve over in order to just spend time with her, though she tries to mix things up

Eve is one of the few people that Seras will divulge the pain she feels to. This is primarily because Eve is one of the few people that actually asks how she feels. Seras isn't saddened about this though, she actually likes that it gives her and Eve a more personal bond that she doesn't share with anyone else.

The first time that Alexander saw Eve as a woman, he was taken aback by her beauty. He was nearly convinced that she was an Angel. Though when he saw her work with a gun and other weapons, he was more convinced that she was more like a fallen angel.
Undoubtedly, the song "Angel With a Shotgun" suits the way Alexander views Eve.
Of the people he's met from Hellsing, he sees her as a lady whose innocence still manages to remain despite everything. She hasn't become a monster, nor has she given up, though he does sense that her faith waivers often.

Alexander at some point asked Eve to join him, but her love for Walter and Pip prompted her to decline his offer. Despite the pain of watching Pip fall for Seras, and the confusion of noticing that something about Walter had changed, she still felt devoted to Hellsing, particularly to Integra Hellsing.
Hellsing gave her unit a chance when no one else did, including the church. She admires and respects Alexander, but her loyalty lies with the organization that gave the Wild Geese a chance.
Despite her rejection, Alexander actually respected Eve more for showing such a strong reality.

When Walter revealed himself to Hellsing, he spoke very harsh words to Eve before his battle with Alucard. He made her feel as insulted and low as he could manage.
Despite this, he didn't actually hurt her for sadistic pleasure as he had the others. He had grown a genuine connection to her and instead spoke these words in order to lessen the pain she'd feel when he was gone. Deep down, he knew he would die.

Walter; as his treatments increased, began to feign his age affecting him more and more in order to avoid suspicion. He knew if he suddenly seemed rejuvenated, then those around him would very obviously be confused.
This though nearly caused more harm than good when Eve began to help him more often and spend more time with him, making it harder for him to actually attend to his betrayal as needed.
Though in a way, he was glad to have her if only because he grew attached to her and formed a strong emotional connection with her. Though he hated knowing he'd have to break that bond, especially in the painful manner he eventually did.

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