// Bloodmoon //

9 1 4

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
I went for a more lighthearted approach with this chapter, but did inlcude some more emotional elements.

New Moon:

On new moons, Chris typically likes to go outside and have picnics since he tends to be feeling his best.

Since the moon can usually be seen in the sky, even when it's not night, he enjoys taking the time he has without it really being visible to do outdoor activities. If he's feeling particularly happy, he'll take Eve on short camping trips or fishing trips.

He likes to teach Eve little things for survival during these days that she may not yet be familiar with. Such as how to gut a fish and remove the scales, how to discern different animal tracks from each other, and of course other little things.

Waxing Crescent:

Around this time, Chris starts to grow out his stubble into a full beard. He knows that his hair is going to grow more troublesome to manage, so he isn't much concerned with keeping it trimmed. Instead, he lets the hair that's starting to grow thicker and darker just grow in, not seeing it as useful to start shaving yet. He can just trim it when it actually becomes hard to manage. 

His appetite starts to increase earlier than Karl's, likely because his workout routine increases his appetite as well as his need for liquids as well. Due to this, he'll often rope Eve into cooking with him, mainly because he thinks she's a better cook and enjoys having Eve show him how to improve his own skills.

First Quarter:

Around this time is when his hair begins to get noticeably thicker, and his canines start to elongate.

He starts to trim his hair a bit more around this time, but this is more or less exclusively his head hair and pubic area since the longer and thicker bunches of hair in those areas are more irritating to him than in other areas. He actually likes having a full beard grown out since he doesn't mind the hassle. It also secretly makes him feel secure when he's feeling a bit down about his weight.

He'll actually let Eve style his beard if she wants to.

Waxing Gibbous:

This is the time that his nails beging to sharpen and grow far more rapidly. He'll tend to file them down to avoid accidentally scratching himself.

His elongated teeth and widened nails due break skin often. Unlike Karl he'll vent his frustrations by focusing heavily on his workouts. Though still being snappier, he does prefer to spend his time away from Eve.

Full Moon:

This is of course when he transforms. Unlike Karl, he actually remembers hs transformations and this is actually rather hard on the man.

He remembers the pain of each transformation. The way his bones snap, twist and break to accomodate to transfroming into a werewolf.

He also though, regains his consciousness when transforming. ue to this, when feeling hungry, he is able to keep from harming humans and only attacking animals, though admittedly the guilt of killing the animals he interacts with in this form does weigh on him.

He likes when Eve cooks food for him in preparation of his transformation. With him having his consciousness, it's a lot easier for him to digest premade meals than it is for him to eat raw meat.

Waning Gibbous:

Like Karl, Chris is almost always exhausted after ths full moon. He'll tend to spend a lot of time resting.

He's more proned to getting sick after a full moon, though this is actually caused by guilt. The memories of his hunger overtaking him and causing him to kill and rip apart these much smaller animals only to fufill a primal urge he never wanted makes him feel sick to his stomach. He's not against eating meat, he just doesn't like overdoing it, which he feels he does when transformed.

For a while after this, he'll eat a lighter diet of meat and eat a lot more vegetables to.

Third Quarter:

Around this time, his hair starts to return to it's normal thickness, as well as his teeth and nails. He'll take a lot of time to self groom and clean up, enjoyimg the feeling. It's like a reward to him.

He'll often ask Eve if there's any hair or beard styles she'd like to see him try. He'll even let her cut his hair and help him shave if she wants to.

Waning Crescent:

This is a time where Chris takes a lot of time to rest. Knowing that the new cycle will begin soon, he doesn't want to waste the new moon preparing since it's his happiest and most energized time.

During this phase of the moon, he'll stock up on his favorite meats, the razors he'll need, an other hygeine projects. He'll also buy Eve lots of little gifts as a thank you to her for sticking with him.


Eclipses tend to make Chris rather tired. With all he's already been through, the emotioanal turmoil caused by the eclipses tend to leave him drained.

His favorite thing to do during this time is cuddle up with Eve and read.


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