// Fleshy Nub //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
I mentioned making a Monster AU chapter in the past, so I decided to finally write it out. If you were to want a chapter like this; or another Lycanthrope chapter, let me know, I'd be happy to write out some more imagines for you.

Similar to the last chapter, this will be separated by character and not by imagines, so there'll be multiple imagines per character. The characters I'll be using are Slade, Billy, Stu, and Jude. I'll be going with the primary depictions we've had of them in the past rather than alternate versions. I'll be writing these mainly from Kiku's perspective since I don't want to inaccurately portray the characters/OCs.
I considered using Alucard in this chapter, but given he's a vampire constantly, I'd basically just be writing Hellsing imagines.

I'll also be writing imagines for Baby Naga Charlie since I want to include him platonically.

Some mature mentions, but not the main focus.

Different AUs will be mentioned for the imagines and characters.

A lot of these will take inspiration from past scenarios.

Feel free to expand on these in any way, since these are characters you usually play, it is a bit harder to write this chapter from their perspective since I of course don't actually know what their perspectives are. I think it'd be interesting to see anything you might want to add.

Slade Smith(Werewolf):

When Slade starts to grow his tail and ears in our Ginger Snaps AU, Kiku is kinda fixated on the tail because it hasn't grown any hair yet. In fact, the first time she sees it, she'll exclaim he's growing a fleshy nub. If he and Kiku get in a fight; considering they have a lot of tension in this AU, she'll probably snap and tell him the tail looks like a rat tail if it doesn't have hair by the time they've fought.
Once the tail has finally grown fur, Slade is probably going to take the first opportunity he gets to wack the unsuspecting Kitten in the mouth with the new length of fluff in retaliation for that past rat tail comment just to see the look of bewilderment on her face before she squeals and tries to get his hair off and out of her mouth.

Likely really intense sex regardless of the AU. With them typically already having a deep connection as friends, it's likely that this will strengthen their connection as mates. It'll probably feel like they're made for each other. With Kiku, she'll be lost in the moment, while Slade would probably find some calm after having struggled to be satiated from sex before.

Kiku likes Slade's piercing on his ears, so it can very much be expected that she'll be playing with his fuzzy ears and caressing near the piercings.

Slade being raised away from humans by his father to protect him, but meeting Kiku as a little boy when they both travel farther than they're supposed to. They become the best of friends, that is until Jude finds out and prevents Slade from leaving the woods again.
Years later, Slade hears a commotion in the woods and stops a large creature from hurting a human who's ventured into the woods. He's grown up by this time, about twenty-three. He's grown rather tall; only an inch shorter than his father at 6'7, and has a fluffy tail and ears, which he learned to pierce on his own, probably against Jude's wishes. He expects the human to be as scared of him as they were of the beast but still decides to lecture them to be more careful. To his surprise, he's embraced extremely tight, which prompts him to finally look at this human for more than a passing glance. In his arms is the now twenty-one-year-old girl who had been his friend all those years before. He had thought she forgot him, but she never did, and now she was mumbling that she came to find him because she realized that she loved him.

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