// MK Imagines (Kiku) //

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ShimadaWife / -_CookieCat_-
Since I made some of these for Eve, I thought I'd make some for Kiku. Since Kiku is my OC, these will mainly be from her perspective.
Feel free though, to add to any of the imagines or write your own, or even add in a role you may think Eve would play if you want.

Note: These aren't as sweet(With some being downright angsty) as the Eve ones since I don't have as many comfort imagines.


The guys she's usually around all spending the night with someone else, and Kiku being pouty because she just wanted a little attention and just ended up getting completely ignored for other girls.
She might even get teary-eyed, but would just wipe it away and stick her nose in a book.

*Based on the scenario where Slade had a girlfriend* Kiku being so in love with Slade, that she goes to the club whenever he goes, just to make sure if he gets seriously hurt, she can take care of him.
But every time his fights end for the night, she tries to see him after, only for his girlfriend to get between them, the little Kitten as she's often called by him, easily forgotten in that moment.

Kiku initially just wanting to have fun, but eventually ends up hurt. She's both surprised, yet also not, as if in perhaps a way, she expected it.
Depending on who it was who hurt her, and how, she will react differently.

Despite her seemingly innocent appearance, she has a rather gloomy outlook, dark humor, and some rather darkly romantic thoughts.
Just imagine the reaction Kano or Jude, in particular, would have to her saying something along the lines of all she hopes for is being buried and rotting away with who she loves because being eternally intertwined with her true love is the most beautiful thing she can think of.

While not initially as dark as the others she's surrounded by, Kiku does hold a deep need for affection. Due to this, she does admittedly hold obsessive tendencies and grows infatuated far easier than she'd ever admit to anyone but herself.
She grows attached easily when she's falling in love and more than anything, wants to be loved and given affection.


Sorry about there not being as many as there were for Eve. I'm kinda drawing a blank. Somehow, it's easier to write these when writing for someone else/as the LI, than it is as writing from my own OC's perspective. ^^;

Little Question:
What do you think would be Kiku's song in MK? I've been trying to think of one, but keep coming up with nothing. If you don't have anything in mind though, that's fine too. It doesn't have to be related to anything specific past you just thinking it fits her in this fandom.

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