// "Love's lost in your eyes." (Eve x Integra) //

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-SilentEvil- / -Ink_Ribbon-
Apologies in advance, this scenario is admittedly angsty. I was listening to "Searching for a Home" and it gave me a rather sudden idea. I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Eve x Integra

*Past/Mentioned* Eve x Pip


This war hadn't gone as anyone wanted. Alucard was gone, and it was unknown what had happened to him. Walter had betrayed all of Hellsing. Nearly all the Wild Geese were dead. Left in the wake were a few remaining members. Seras, Integra, Eve, and a loner Werewolf named Slade.

Integra had begun to fall rather intensely for Eve, which couldn't be denied, though she had tried to hide it. She didn't do so because she didn't want to be loved, she did, but she knew Eve was rather deeply in love with the leader of the mercenary group, Pip, who now remained only as a familiar to Seras and acted as her shadow, in a way, eternally binding them. She just couldn't bring herself to admit her feeling and leave an already stressed woman even more conflicted.

When Eve learned of Pip's death, it wasn't a pretty sight, especially not upon learning that Pip's last moment was spent in a kiss with Seras, with no mention of Eve, no goodbye, absolutely nothing. Would he of said goodbye had she been there? She had been ordered to work as protection to Integra given Alucard's other duties and Walter having seemingly disappeared. She wanted to say yes, he would of, but deep down, she believed she'd have died just as the others had.

As the four remaining members stood around, Eve learned of the death, anger took hold of the grief-struck woman, causing her to lunge forward at Integra, Seras pulling her back by wrapping her arm around her waist.

"Why couldn't you of done this on your own?! So many deaths are on your hands, and they're stained red! Why couldn't you of left us all alone?!" She snapped out as she sobbed, tears streaking down her pale cheeks as she hiccuped and sniffled.
She knew that she was wrong in a way. Seras would have never unlocked her true potential had it not been for what happened, even more people would have been hurt. But she was blinded by her grief and anger, and she just couldn't fathom why it had to be Pip, her makeshift family, that had to suffer and lose just for a war to be won.

Approaching Eve, Integra bent down a bit. She admittedly seemed shaken, something she was attempting her best not to show, not in the wake of all the grief plaguing so many.
"This is not what I intended, I'm sorry my dear." She murmured, her voice rather soft, genuine, albeit a bit hurt.

Before Integra could react, or before Seras could stop it, Eve had an arm free. And it was like a flash of lighting as Integra was struck against the cheek, her glasses being knocked off, slightly bent as they could be heard rattling against the concrete.

Seras immediately grabbed Eve's hand, planning to push it behind her back, but Integra waved a hand before she stooped down and retrieved her bent glasses, placing them back on the bridge of her nose, as she lightly shook her head.
"Don't," She spoke as an order to Seras.
"I deserved it."

The next few months felt tense and the air was stale. Desperately, Integra wanted to help Eve to heal, but she was met with hostility from the grief-stricken woman. A gentle hand placed on a shoulder resulted in the shoulder being swiftly yanked away. An attempt at casual conversation was meant with silence or the ravenette feigning gagging as she left the room. It was just unpleasant and disheartening, but Integra had thought as much.

The current day felt as tense as all the rest, but something about today was different, Integra could feel it. What was she feeling though? That she didn't know.

Finding Eve in the garden, she sat beside the girl, relieved when Eve didn't suddenly try to leave. Instead, she just kept her head bowed, staring at the wet ground. Perhaps the rain they received that day had been tears that the clouds were shedding for Eve? Integra wondered as much, but she supposed it to be a silly thought.

Turning to face the girl, she went to speak but found she knew nothing to say. Though when Eve raised her head, having felt Integra's breath lightly fan her, Integra couldn't speak. Tears were streaking down Eve's cheek as she clutched a piece of fabric; perhaps a glove, that had belonged to Pip.

"My god, love's lost in your eyes." Integra spoke, unable to stop herself.

Letting out a hollow and shaky laugh, Eve swiped at the tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked away from Integra.
"Of course it is, I lost who I loved." She murmured, trying to sound darkly humored, but only managing to come off as weak and heartbroken.

Before Eve could react, she was enveloped in a tight hug by the slightly taller woman. The hug was warm, and genuine, not just a weak imitation of comfort.
"I caused this, and I will fix this. I won't let the world turn its back on you, or your back on it. I know I can mend your broken heart, but I can help you find meaning in this world again, and I will." She murmured against the girl's ear.

*Scenario would start there*

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