// Somethings I Fixate On //

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So, I thought this fit best in my Imagines book, since these are all things I'd *almost* always be happy to do RPs based on.
I also thought it make a good reference for what I'm almost always into.
This won't be character oriented since the characters I tend to fixate on Kiku being paired with are already well-established (Scream, Mortal Kombat, and OCs, being the best example right now).

Anyways, onto the list~

- The entirety of the Two-Faced Charade Album by Famous Last Words. I just love this album and the story it tells so much. I'm always happy to do anything inspired by this album, since it's undoubtedly one of my main go-to for music, for comfort, etc.
I just love using it for scenario inspiration.

- I love this short film, and I think it could serve as great inspiration for scenarios that can focus on Kiku and Charlie's bond, as well as give Charlie the spotlight by having him in a similar role to Opal/Claire.
It also reminds me a bit of the old tales where a child is told if they misbehave/let their curiosity get the better of them, they'll end up losing the happiness they had, with the twist of the film being that the happiness was never there to begin with.
With Kiku and Charlie though of course, Charlie would be able to escape and truly have a happy ending.
I also think this could be a good way to explore his dynamic with other characters.

- Yandere based ideas. I just really enjoy these, especially since I think they can be fun to play around with, especially since it can be Kiku or her LI in the role.

- Horror movies and novels. I tend to use my favorites as scenario inspiration. Such as Ginger Snaps, the Crush, Hostel, etc. Typically it just depends on what I recently watched and feel either most inspired by, or connected to(Such as the Ginger Snaps AUs we've done where Kiku and Slade are depicted as having a very similar morbid dynamic as Ginger and Brigette).
I honestly love the Ginger Snaps based AUs since I think they're fun to play around with, so if you were to ever want to offer an idea based on those AUs, I'd be happy to hear! I just really enjoy the dynamic between Kiku and Slade, and I also like(Though it hasn't been explored as much), of seeing the dynamic between Kiku and the LI who has the similar role to Sam in the first film, especially with the mix in of Slade seeing how his changes has also caused her to change as well and grow close to someone else besides him.


I'd love to hear your opinion, such as which are your favorite AUs, or the ones that most interest you,  anything you'd like to add/see concerning these as scenario AUs, etc, but if you don't feel like commenting, you don't have to!

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