// Her Diary was Stolen //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Sorry if the tag is a bother at all. I had an idea for Scream imagines that I thought could be fun to write out, as well as be a partial add on to the previous Billy and Stu chapter.

I'm also thinking of making chapters for our monster AUs, so let me know if you'd be interested in that!

AU: Partial AU

Ship: There's no set ship here, instead, these will just be imagines involving all of the characters Kiku has been shipped with.

Imagines(Most of these will be based on how the characters have acted towards her in previous role plays):

Kiku babysitting Charlie and having just put him to bed. She walks out of the room and goes to get ready to settle down for a bit until Hank gets home, only for Billy to be waiting outside the door, where he ends up taking her first kiss.
He'll try to claim he thought she was Sydney; who was over visiting, and apologize, but the way he talks and the faint grin he has throws Kiku off and makes her feel like something is wrong, prompting her to just mutter that "It's fine" and quickly scurry off.
Obviously, it wasn't an actual accident. With it being implied that him and Stu tend to watch her when she's babysitting his little brother, Billy decided to take advantage of a situation he can worm his way out of.
Imagine Stu finding out and being pissed.

Kiku teaching Billy how to change Charlie's diaper, and Billy mumbling about how he thinks his father should pay her extra for the stench alone, prompting Kiku to start giggling.

Kiku going to one of Stu's parties and just not fitting in. By the time everyone else has left, she's still there, and Stu is passed out drunk.
When Stu wakes up the next morning, his robe is wrapped up on him snug and tied, the beer bottles left on the table in front of him are cleaned up, there's a pillow under his head, and a blanket on him.
Confused, he looks around only to feel a note in his robe's pocket that says;
"I felt bad you had to clean this up all alone, so I cleaned up a bit. I covered you up too, you were really shivering. There's some coffee made, I hope it's still warm when you wake up!
- Kiku"
Stu is of course left with this confusing feeling in his heart. After all, he's never really even looked at this girl before.

Billy and Stu having a party and inviting two people they wouldn't normally invite.
The first being a girl who had been known to have a crush on a Stu and was often forgotten because she was quiet and a bit odd. She was an easy target.
The second being a college boy that Billy had recently befriended and saw like an older brother. No one really messed with him since he was a bigger guy with an intimidating look.
The girl was invited because Stu wanted to play a prank on her, which Billy thought might make the college boy laugh.
At the same time, the two arrive, something assumed as just a coincidence.
For the majority of the party, Billy stays with the college boy who's called Slade. Kiku on the other hand is dragged off by Stu, but unlike in the past, she's not happy about it. In fact, she often tries to wander off to what Stu assumes is Billy, which makes his urge to play his prank on her even stronger since it seems to him that her crush on him has been replaced by one on Billy.
When the prank is played, Billy and Stu of course burst into a sick laughter that makes the already crying girl even more upset.
Though before Billy can even turn to see how Slade is enjoying the prank, he feels himself hit upside the head, which promptly stops the laughter on his end, leaving him dazed for a few moments.
He looks towards Slade only to see the slightly older boy fuming, holding the girl's arm, though Billy and Stu both note that it's a very gentle grip.
Asking Slade what's wrong, Billy is stunned when Slade asks him and Stu what fucking right they had to hurt his girlfriend.

Slade becoming a model and moving out of town to have better opportunities. He leaves behind his best friend; Kiku, because he at first thinks he won't need her because he'll finally be loved by so many. No longer just the outcast or intimidating boy.
His career eventually goes down hill when he starts to party often and focus more on pleasure above anything else. This prompts him to move back to town to work with his dad and attempt to get back on his feet.
Kiku is there for him when he gets back, and he realizes in that moment he loves her more than he's ever loved anything before, because through it all, she always liked him. Not what he appeared to be.
She helps him to get back on his feet; along with his father of course, and Slade falls deeper in love.
Slade eventually attempts to ask her out, only to find out what he hadn't before. That the guy she's staying with, isn't her roommate. Instead, he's her boyfriend who picked up the broken pieces Slade left behind when he left her behind.
Despite this... He still loves her. Maybe he'll win her heart if he tries hard enough?

Kiku finding out that Slade to some extent helped out Billy and Stu, which leaves her stunned and heartbroken.
Him saying he did it so he wouldn't be a freak anymore, and her mumbling that lives didn't have to end just so he could be normal.

Stu wanting to uphold his reputation, but falling for Kiku, he decides to do little things to be close to her.
Coming over to see Billy whenever she's babysitting.
Offering her rides to school under the guise of him just passing by her house.
Coming over to see Kiku when she's babysitting all on her own. He knows that Billy isn't home, but pretends that he's visiting for him and can wait until he gets home, all so he can talk to Kiku, and maybe even play with her and Charlie.

Stu giving Kiku his red robe because she's cold and says it's really pretty, and him just being unable to resist the thought of how cute she'd look in his robe.


Feel free to add anything to these, or to comment on them!

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