// A Bouquet of Lollipops //

13 1 6

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
These are some comfort imagines for you. They're purely comfort, so there's no angst in this chapter. I hope you enjoy reading these and they help ease your nerves and relax you a bit.

These won't be super long, but these will be really personal. A lot of these are headcanons I've had in the past that I never previously shared. I thought that making a more personal chapter would be sweet.

I honestly get a lot of headcanons during our RPs for both Kiku and Eve and their relationships with their love interest, but typically don't share them just in case they seem odd.

If you have any headcanons for Eve or Kiku and their ships that you never shared for similar reasons, go ahead and post them in the comments. I'd love to hear them! I always find it sweet to see more personal things you see for our OCs and their LIs. ♥

AU: Nothing specific.

Ship: Multiple characters will be included in this chapter.


Albert Wesker:

Despite what it may seem, Eve is probably the boss in the relationship. Similar to the song "You can be the Boss";

Wesker has a hold on things, he knows how to get his way, and it even seems like he controls Eve, but really, he doesn't. Instead, Eve holds all control, it's just not obvious or flaunted. Wesker asks dismissive or harsh, but he takes everything that Eve says to heart, even if he won't admit it aloud.

Albert very surprisingly likes to style Eve's hair. He doesn't care if she keeps it long or short, he just really loves having an excuse to run his hands through her hair and having her try the hairstyles he thinks she'd look really cute in.

Eve is the only person that Albert lets wear his sunglasses. Why? She's just so cute when she pleads to wear them. She's also really cute when she wears his sunglasses.

Albert likes to let Eve help him work out. He especially likes it when she sits on his waist when he's doing situps.

After she becomes his girlfriend, she gets some special treatment. In particular, she gets to sleep in his office. He literally has a little set up for her where there are about three fluffy pillows on the couch in his office and a big blanket that Eve can become a burrito in. He honestly just loves to see her take naps since she looks so adorable and peaceful when she's sleeping.

Chris Redfield:

Surprisingly, Chris actually enjoys baking, and he loves to bake Eve cookies, especially since he knows how much she loves cookies. He will surprise her with cookies at work, on holidays, and even just on random days. He will literally show up at her house, in the middle of the day, with about three full tins of cookies he used his free time to bake for him and Eve.

Chris uses the cookies he bakes her as an excuse to spend the entire day eating cookies with her and watching movies. Basically, just an excuse for him to spend his time with her.
Sure, he's probably going to spend the next few days working off all the cookies, but he totally sees it as worth it since he got to cuddle and share cookies with his wonderful girlfriend.

Chris has made Eve homemade ice cream sandwiches. He makes these thick and homemade cookies that he puts vanilla or chocolate ice cream. Occasionally, he'll make her confetti cookies and put cherry or strawberry ice cream between as a special treat.

He and Eve have a pet bird that they love like a baby. Their bird is as spoiled as a bird can be.


Vegeta of course loves to eat. Though secretly, he fills the fullest when Eve cooks him dinner. It's extremely cheesy, but her loving meals give him the most energy and makes him feel full far quicker than multiple servings of fast food or restaurant food.

Vegeta once tried to bake Eve her favorite type of cookie. He wasn't used to cooking them yet though and ended up burning them. He was surprised when Eve was willing to try a bite and still smiled even though he could clearly tell that she didn't like the cookies.

Vegeta likes to take Eve out for ramen. As a fellow Saiyan, he knows she has just as big an appetite as him, so he likes to spoil her by getting her fancy ramen. Though he'll never admit this, instead he'll claim that he knew she was bored and alone so he took her with him so she wouldn't mope around all day.


He once had Eve a custom-made dress that was designed after their favorite old romance movie. He knew that Eve saw the lead actress as very beautiful, so he had the dress made for her because she was feeling insecure about herself. It was his way of saying that she was just as beautiful.

He once recreated a scene from one of his favorite romance films with Eve. Eve though didn't actually know the movie, so due to this, they ended up making their own unique romantic scene that made Salvatore all the happier.

At some point, Eve; who's dating Karl, ends up in a sweet poly ship with him and Salvatore.  Karl; while finding Salvatore pathetic, still respects him more than the others, so when he found out Salvatore loved Eve, he was more than willing to share her just to see him and Eve happy.

Salvatore likes to wear a suit for Eve from time to time. It makes him feel confident, and he loves to just put in the effort of dressing up for her.


PRIVATE Imagines and RoleplaysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ