// "Humans are more terrifying than monsters" //

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Since we both liked the idea I made based on the mash-up, I thought writing a chapter specifically for how I think Jude, as well as his relationships with Kiku and Slade, could fit it, could be interesting. Most of the imagines written here will be based on what was written, rather blatantly, implied, or hinted at in past roleplays. These of course aren't canon and could be just used for darker RPs, but if you want to use any of these as canon, or canon specifically in a darker verse, I'd be fine with that.

Since Jude and Slade are of course your characters, feel free to add anything to this chapter that you feel fits. As well as feel free to leave your feedback.


I'll start out with one that's been blatantly stated. This is that Jude wasn't afraid to get rid of others to get to the top, all while maintaining a face of normality despite this. It didn't matter who he stepped on to garner his rise to the top. All that mattered was getting there and staying there.
After having Slade, he isn't as cruel, but he isn't nice by any means either. In fact, it could be implied that the reason he isn't as cruel isn't that he's learned to be kinder towards others, but because he's so focused on his son that he just doesn't have the time to be as he had been before.

I could see it being likely that since Jude loves his son, he may go to extremes to keep Slade protected or feel as if he's normal.
Like, he sees Slade as his perfect little boy, but he's very well aware that to most, his son is seen as a freak. After all, unlike his father, Slade doesn't try to blend in or appear as the face of normality. He's unapologetically himself. And since it's said that until Kiku, Slade isn't interested in genuine love, maybe even distasteful of it given Lyra and Jude's relationship, Jude may be worried about his son's lack of interest in people.
He may try to find the perfect girlfriend for Slade, thinking he'll succeed, but instead, just makes Slade uncomfortable.
Maybe he'll go behind Slade's back and try to pay off people to like him, if only because he wants his son to have friends and be seen as a normal guy.
Maybe he'll make sure that whatever career Slade wants to go into, he'll never struggle by paying off the right people, pulling the strings, or talking to the connections he has, all to make sure his son gets everything he ever wanted without actually having to try. But of course, Jude can't tell Slade that. No, he'll make sure everything seems like it happened to just fall in place like Slade really did achieve everything on his own.
And well, if anyone hurts his little boy, he just can't have that. They'll be gone nearly as quickly as he finds out that his son was hurt.
He doesn't want Slade to ever struggle as he did, nor go through what he may of.

This is based on what I've seen lightly implied and even blatantly stated in some horror RPs for Kiku x Jude. This is that Kiku may be the reincarnation of a woman he loved/was close to when he was younger.
Rather than hiring her because she was actually qualified for the job position, he may have hired her because of the feeling he felt upon seeing her, thus making his intentions possibly not as innocent as they should be.
Like, maybe he doesn't actually care about how well she executes her work, but instead, while she's doing as he's told her, he's sitting at his desk, watching her every movement, getting a small thrill at seeing the movements that remind him exactly of the ones from years prior. She's so focused that she doesn't notice, which is how Jude gets away with watching. And he loves to prolong his watching because it's far more satisfying.
Maybe he likes to recreate past events with her. He'll deliberately set things up to be recreated from years before, just so he can relive that feeling from when he was young when she was the her he remembers, and feel it all over again. Such as him having her attend a business trip with him, and when he decides to relax and go swimming, he convinces her to go with him. He'll pull her close, hold her, all these things he likely shouldn't, because he just can't help himself.
And maybe, just maybe, he actually prides himself on how well his obsession with the girl is hidden. How he manages to be the man that everyone is fooled by, how his charm and silver tongue make everyone love him, all while he has his eyes on Kiku, thinking of everything he'd do to her if presented the opportunity. How this one girl brings out the darkness he keeps so well hidden else wise. How just being around her slowly drains him of his resolve.

Jude's struggle to contain himself with Kiku if she's dating Slade.
He knows it's wrong. She's with Slade, his son. The one person he'd never want to hurt or cause harm to.
Those dark brown eyes make him melt though. And the way she'll sit with him while he works and talks to him about all the books she's read, the scary movies she's watched, and just everything on her mind. The way she plays with his hair, pulling it out of his face, small fingers running through his hair. How she calls his odd eyes pretty. Just so many things she does, it's too much, he loves it, he loves her, and eventually, he caves, kissing her.
And he knows it won't end well, but he can't help it. He just has to kiss her, at least once.


These are what I currently have, feel free to add to them or tell me anything you'd like to be taken out, of these imagines. As always, I'd love/appreciate your creative input!

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