// "I know the situation is strange" //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Here's your request. I know the video above depicts Billy; and Stu in the suit, but I thought the song could be inherently a good representation of Eve x Michael, especially as pure horror or obsession.

AU: A Normal Life AU

Ship: Eve x Michael


Michael likely takes a lot of painkillers in this AU. He's not addicted, but given who he is, he can't exactly go to a doctor without the risk of being found out since he doesn't have any proper identification, which with his injuries would lead to him being suspected as the man he really is. He also very obviously has an extremely high pain tolerance, which also likely means he'd need to take a higher dosage of pain killers paired with a higher amount of them to compensate for the pain he does feel.

Michael wears reading glasses. Like above, he can't really go to get a prescription, so he likely bought a pair of reading glasses to help magnify whatever he's reading or working on. His reading glasses are a very similar style of glasses to Eve's glasses frames.

Given that he is a killer who uses knives, he obviously enjoys the thrill of cutting through flesh and meat. Though since he can't kill people without suspicion raining down on him, he has to find a substitute for this.
This actually leads to Michael learning how to be a proficient butcher since it helps to satiate his dark urges.

For the first three months, Michael didn't say a word to Eve, but he did show his appreciation for her help. He communicated to her through gestures. Once he was actually feeling better, he was near constantly helping her, even with harder tasks, wanting to show how much he appreciated her kindness.

Michael once dealt with an ex-boyfriend of Eve's who had been harassing her to come back to him. He didn't kill him, but he did intimidate the man and even pretended to be Eve's boyfriend in order to get the man to leave her alone.

Michael eventually starts to go hunting once he's gotten acquainted well enough with the town. Given that he's been willing to kill and eat the likes of dogs to satiate his hunger, he has a passion for hunting.
Eve of course has to help him learn the laws for hunting given that it can't really be risked him being found out.
Michael avoids hunting birds since he knows that Eve has a deep fondness for birds.

Eve once witnessed just how high Michael's pain tolerance is. She had been talking to him while he was carving a turkey for dinner, and he sliced his hand open. He wouldn't have noticed had it not been for Eve who saw blood dripping on the floor after his hand had begun to bleed particularly heavily.

Eve has a naked scarecrow because Michael stole the clothes she had on it when he ended up in her town on Halloween night. The only thing left on the scarecrow was its hat.

When Eve has to go to work, she always has the feeling of being watched. This is because Michael actually watches her all the way to work to make sure she arrives safely.
One time Eve heard a muffled voice and this was because her ex had decided to follow her in order to attempt to confront her. Michael noticed and stopped him in his tracks, letting Eve get to work safely.

Eve gets all her meats at a discount since Michael applies his employee discount to all her purchases.

Michael actually likes to shower with Eve in this AU since he doesn't really care if she sees him naked. Instead, he sees them showering together as beneficial, especially after he had first met her since she can help him keep the many wounds he has cleaned out. Though given he doesn't talk much, it actually creates an almost sensual atmosphere.

During Halloween; or more of the last week of October, Michael stays kept to himself more. His urges to kill are strongest during this time, so he stays holed up in his room in order to avoid hurting Eve.


I hope you enjoy these imagines. ^^

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