// Dream Based Imagine/Scenario //

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Sorry if the tag is a bother dear. ^^

So, this is an imagine/scenario based on a dream I've had twice now. The first time I had the dream, I didn't remember it all too well, but after having the dream a second time, I remembered it near entirely and decided to publish a scenario based on it since the dream actually had a coherent plot that seemed interesting.
The plot is changed a bit from the dream(Mainly that in the dream the two people with the girl were ghosts, one being a ghost who killed the other to keep him from ever leaving).


A little time away from home was nice. That was her reasoning for taking a trip to stay in the woods. She planned to rent a cabin once she arrived, but, fate had other plans.

When she was on the bus to the town she'd be staying in, she ended up meeting two people who had sat with her that seemed very kind. Both were locals who had just come back from out of town and when they heard of her plans, they offered to let her stay with them since they lived together in a cabin away from town.
Initially, she wanted to reject the offer, but they were so kind, that she found she felt too bad to reject the offer.

They took her home with them after the bus dropped them all off. The cabin seemed nice and cozy, the girl thought so at least.
She got settled in and talked with the two a bit, and after doing so, they suggested that they take her out to explore some areas in the woods that they considered interesting. She agreed and went out with them.

As they walked through the woods, the girl found that they all began to talk rather easily to one another, admitting more personal thoughts. She wasn't too surprised they could easily talk to each other, they already knew each other after all, but they hardly knew her.
Yet, talking to them felt natural, and they seemed to feel the same about her.
She even ended up comforting one of the guys when he admitted something that made her heart ache upon hearing, prompting her to hug him and just hold him for a few moments.

The day was spent having a nice time, exploring everything they wanted to show her, and getting to know one another. The girl had definitely eased up a bit.

The next few days, she felt were the best time of her life up to that point. She felt so free and happy. The two were so fun, and every day felt like a new adventure with them all going into the woods and exploring it together.
She got well acquainted with the area she was staying in, and loved it, because it seemed like they were the only three who knew about it, save for the animals that lingered around them.

One night though, she woke up to one of the two wanting to explore alone with her, and so, she agreed, thinking it'd be fun to go out at night.
They went to the place that she deemed her favorite, this being an abandoned mine. She just loved it because the two men had made it into something more than an abandoned mine. They had added little things to make it fun without threatening the foundation of the mine.

They had fun together, but when she had her back turned it was as if he had suddenly disappeared. And despite looking for him, she couldn't find him and began to grow worried, so, she went back to the cabin to talk to the other man, who she found awake.
He told her that sometimes the other guy just disappeared sometimes and that they would look for him together. She agreed to this.

After they returned to the abandoned mine, they began to look for the other man, but the girl couldn't shake this feeling of dread that she felt flowing through her. Her knees felt weak and her chest was tight.
And she soon found that she had reasoning for this feeling.

The man who had accompanied her into the mine revealed to her that the other man was perfectly fine, but that she was trapped. She wouldn't be killed, but she'd never ever be leaving him.

Because the other man, the one they were looking for, was trapped too. He had trapped him, to protect him from a cruel world.
For some time, the other man had been "fine" with being trapped, but as of late, he had begun to grow irritated with his lack of freedom, hardly ever being able to go out into town, and when he did, the other man was always with him. He had begun trying to escape.

To prevent this from happening, he had talked to him and asked him what would make him stay without fighting. This was where the girl came in. The other man agreed to stay only if he had someone with him, someone who'd love him, someone that was his, that could never leave him, someone just as trapped as he was.
The man agreed to the other's wants, and so, they looked for a girl for him, and eventually, they found and decided on her.

Petrified, the girl wanted to run and even tried to, but before she could make it far, the other man revealed himself from a hiding place and caught her.
Soon enough, she was dragged back to the cabin by the two, the cabin that was no longer a guest home, but her forever home. As she ended up being told by the two, she'd never leave, and if she tried, she wouldn't make it far.

She considered trying to run again, but one man was always watching her, ensuring she couldn't run if she tried.
She was trapped and isolated, and afraid. And to her dismay, she eventually began to think, that if she went along with everything, then maybe, just maybe, it'd be okay, that she'd be okay, that they weren't that bad, just lonely. That maybe, they were still the same men she remembered having fun with.


I somewhat see this as being Jude and Slade. With the added background being that after Lyra tried to kill little Slade because of his condition making her believe he was a curse, Jude became paranoid that no one could ever truly accept his son as he was once they found out the truth. So, after Jude returns to America with Slade, he chooses to have himself and Slade live away from society, only going into town when needed, and Slade being raised nearly entirely away from society. He just couldn't fathom his son ending up hurt and harassed for something that he couldn't change, his son was his world.
Jude still worked and such, so he still had a lot of money, money he spent on Slade, believing it would keep him content. Though as Slade grew older, the more he longed for freedom. And now a full-grown man, Slade just can't take the confinement any longer, not without him having something or more of someone to keep him entertained and content.
Jude is initially reluctant to do this, but after Slade tries to escape one too many times, Jude relents and allows Slade to pick a girl to be his.
This eventually leads to Slade spotting Kiku, likely when he and Jude were out of town on the rare occasion they traveled, perhaps because of Slade wanting to find someone, and instantly, he decides that she's who he wants, given it's often implied that it's love at first sight for Slade with her.
And when it's found out that she too wants the freedom to explore what she never has and will be staying in the town he and Jude live near, this to Slade is just a sign that it was meant to be and that everything will work out just fine.
And so, this is the catalyst for what happens after the events of them meeting her on the bus.

Feel free to add anything to this idea that you'd like to, or share any thoughts you had while reading it! I'd love to hear them! I'll most likely respond to comments left here through my Kitten Shipping account

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