// Babysitter //

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These are just some horror babysitter AUs that I thought could be interesting to write out given Kiku's typical role as a babysitter in some regard in the horror version of her. These will take inspiration from other works(Which I will note). These may be used for future roleplays.

Feel free to leave your opinion and tell me the AU(s) that you particularly like.


#1(Inspired/Based on "Let's Go Play at the Adams"):

A young babysitter is hired to babysit a young boy while his parent(s) are away on a trip. He has an older brother around the same age as the babysitter, but that older brother isn't trusted to take care of the little boy. In the past, he hadn't paid close enough attention to the boy and he got hurt.

The little boy is an absolute angel and doesn't cause the girl any problems, but the older brother? That's a whole other can of worms entirely. He's testy, and rude, and constantly interjects into what the babysitter and his little brother are doing. The tipping point is when he invites over two of his friends.

The three older boys drive the babysitter nuts. They get drunk, they get loud, and they scare the poor little boy for the fun of it. And all while she's holding the little boy, cradling him and attempting to calm his sniffles, one of the boys keeps flirting with her, which she attempts to ignore in the hopes it'll stop.

The three older boys honestly unnerve her, especially the way they look at her. It... Scares her. But... But it's just a few days she has to put up with this. Just a few days of her babysitting Charlie and doing her best to ignore the three boys who make her feel as if she should be carrying a knife to defend herself... Or so she thinks.

After she gets done putting Charlie to bed one night, she suddenly blacks out after leaving his bedroom. When she wakes up, she's bound to a bed, the three older boys surrounding her.

Terrified, she screams out only to have her mouth covered as a knife is laid across her throat.

"Don't scream, bitch, else wise, Charlie will never scream again, understood?"

Nodding her head, the girl whimpers and deeply inhales when the hand on her mouth is removed.

Just a few days of unimaginable terror now. Just a few days of keeping the will to survive. Just... Just a few days that feel like a lifetime.

#2(Inspired by "The Babysitter", "Black Christmas", and "When a Stranger Calls"):

She always babysat the same boy. His name was Charlie, and he was just about the sweetest little boy one could imagine. Well, at least she thought as much. His mother wasn't in the picture and his father was hardly around. They were so close that he tended to call her Mommy.

Of recent though, the girl had been receiving harassing and obscene phone calls, and they had been getting progressively worse. What started out as heavy breathing soon turned into dirty words, which in turn turned into violent threats with lewd and perverse words interwoven.

The girl tried to pass it off as prank calls, but she was struggling to continue doing so. It always happened when she was babysitting. And it was always when Charlie was too distracted to notice what was going on, saving him from possibly overhearing these horrible things. It was almost as if she was being watched, as if each call was calculated.

That night, she hadn't received a single call though, and for that she was grateful. She and Charlie had a wonderful night. They watched his favorite Scooby Doo movies, made their favorite drink to share; root beer floats, and ordered pizza. After Charlie tuckered himself out, Kiku got him ready for bed and soon retired to the living room, putting on a scary movie.

That was when her phone rang for the first time that night. She answered it.

"Have you checked on him?"

The girl's breath caught in her throat as she held her phone.

"Have you checked on him?" The voice asked once more.

Right as she got up, the power in the house went out, leaving her in total darkness save for the light of her phone.

"I think you should check on him." The voice spoke again, a cackle heard after.

Only moments after, she heard Charlie scream out for her, leading to her running up the stairs to the boy's room.

When she got there, no one was in the room. The only thing there was the boy's favorite toy, a Scooby Doo plush that was left toppled over as if the owner had been forced to let go of it in a hurry.

As she stood shaking in place, the caller that had been silent spoke again.

"You're next."

Before she could respond to these words, another voice spoke up, Charlie's.


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