// Lycanthropy of a Lost Soul //

16 1 12

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
This is the chapter for the Hellsing version of Kiku x Slade. I hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to add anything you'd like to the chapter in the comments! I'd love to hear what you may want to add! Also, I'm including the son in the header since I thought it could possibly fit Slade's Hellsing characterization.

These imagines will be written using the version of Kiku where she's reincarnated, though this chapter will focus more on Slade than Kiku character-wise; her past relates more to Alucard than Slade, so it won't be a heavy plot point concerning their relationship. If anything, that plot point would actually reflect more on Alucard and Slade's non-romantic relationship.

This chapter will not focus solely on Kiku x Slade. It will actually talk a lot about what's been established concerning Hellsing Slade, as well as his relationship with Alucard and his uncertainty about who he is. Given that he is not my OC, I will only be writing what's been explicitly stated, implied, or inferred based on previous roleplays and his character.

Anyways, onto the imagines!

Kiku x Slade:

Slade was a werewolf, though he isn't sure if he was bitten at a young age, or if he inherited this from his father and was always one. His mother wasn't one, that's one thing he knew with certainty. His father was never in his life from what he knows, but his mother was a woman known to be deceitful, so Slade often wonders if perhaps his father did care and his mother merely painted him as some villain and prevented him from knowing his son.

Alucard was surprised to find that Slade suffered from Lycanthropy, having believed that aside from Captain Hans, Lycanthropes had virtually gone extinct. This of course made the man very curious as to if Slade knew where his Lycanthropy came from. Though he was dismayed to find that Slade himself didn't know past knowing that his mother viewed him as a monster and didn't suffer from the same affliction.

Slade despises Vampires, but not because he's a Werewolf. He hates any Vampires turned by Alucard or that model themselves after the No Life King. He holds a deep hatred for Alucard despite having been trained by the man. This is primarily because he saw Alucard kill his mother. Despite the woman viewing him as a monster, she was the only family Slade had. He feels out of place at Hellsing, as if he doesn't belong.
Though he does seem to take pride in Alucard acknowledging him as having been one of the best soldiers he trained.

Slade has been confused as being the child of Alucard. This is because he and Alucard truly look as if they could be family. With Slade standing at 6'7 and Alucard at 6'6, both often having red eyes and long black hair, they are very similar physically. When Alucard is in his true form of Vladimir, it's even easier to confuse them for father and son given that Alucard now reflects his true age of 45, the age he was when he became a Vampire.
Slade despises this since he can't stand looking as if he could be related to the man he holds such a strong distaste and dislike for. Though this also sometimes makes him wonder about his father and how much he looks like the unknown man.
Unknowingly to Slade, he could likely know something similar to what his father looks like if he were to see Alucard in the form Alucard took to travel to Brazil; albeit likely with shorter hair and without the glasses, this being the form of a businessman;

Unknowingly to Slade, he could likely know something similar to what his father looks like if he were to see Alucard in the form Alucard took to travel to Brazil; albeit likely with shorter hair and without the glasses, this being the form of a bu...

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