// Evil is the Way to Go //

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Here are the imagines you asked for.

I'm not separating these by character, so these will all be together. I hope you enjoy reading these.

Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Moira loves to do more lighthearted experiments on Eve. She loves to see how they affect her and if they provoke any emotional responses concerning her.
Siebren though is completely against this, worried about what could go wrong.
Son in a sense, this ends up a win-win for Eve since she gets the entire day with Moira and receives cuddles all night from a worried Siebren.

Siebren tries to act younger than he is for Eve. While he no longer ages the way that most do, that doesn't stop him from being worried that his older age will negatively affect their relationship since she's so much younger.
He'll start up on skin routines that he himself researched to make sure they're actually beneficial and not just a commercial plot. He'll wear younger-looking clothing that he thinks suits him without going overboard. He'll even attempt to use the same slang that he's heard Eve use, though sometimes, it isn't in the right context and just leads to everyone bursting out into laughter while he's left wondering what he said wrong, which Eve usually explains to him later in private.

Gabriel likes to just pop up out of nowhere and scare the hell out of Eve. It's just fun to him. Though he also uses this as an excuse to get Eve into his arms. After all, who doesn't love a nice hug after being absolutely terrified by their boyfriend?

Moira likes to see Eve experiment with her style and hair rather than forcing herself to stick to all the traditions she had grown up with. This often leads to Moira helping Eve dye her hair. She also likes to help Eve style her hair, especially after Eve cuts her hair short.

Eve is surrounded by doms, and this is just a fact. Though their dom types all differ from one another. Moira is the most demanding and teasing. Gabriel likes to lay back and make Eve do all the work. and Siebren is gentle, wanting to make sure his submissive is okay.

Gabriel likes to tease and embarrass Eve a lot. One thing he'll often tease her with is that "She doesn't only call me commander at work~".
He finds it humorous to see her squirm and get all flushed and flustered by his teasing, It's adorable.

Siebren has probably asked Eve for help fixing his hair after he decided to dye it and it went awry. He'll walk into her room, his head and face covered, only for him to reveal hair dye dripping down his face and his hair not evenly coated by the hair dye.

Moira surprisingly likes for Eve to read her fairy tales. In a sense, given she is considered "Death" in some regard, the woman tends to relate to the fairytales, particularly the ones about death or about two people being complete opposites but managing to find familiar ground despite their major differences.
Though whenever Eve reads a fairytale about a Princess or Fair Maiden falling in love with a monster, she's left wondering if maybe Eve is that Princess or Maiden who's in love with three monsters.

Gabriel usually uses his position of power to get Eve holed up with him when they have to be out an extended amount of time, which undoubtedly leads to a jealous Siebren and Moira.

Eve will sometimes wake up literally floating when she sleeps with Siebren. And she's learned to get used to it because the first few times she screamed or gasped and accidentally suddenly woke up Siebren, which usually led to her landing face down against her pillow or tumbling onto the floor. And that of course led to a panicking Siebren attempting to make sure she was okay and apologizing profusely.

Moira tends to sleep naked with Eve and she gets a kick out of seeing Eve all flustered at the sight of her naked body.
She'll tend to tease by saying "So pathetic~".

Gabriel tends to cuddle Eve close to him when they sleep. It's extremely likely that she'll end up cuddled against his chest, one of his hands on her hair, the other on the small of her back.
Sometimes, if Eve wakes up before Gabriel, he'll start to wake up and be in a state of half awake-half asleep, and think he's still asleep, he'll murmur "Don't leave me" before kissing her and pulling Eve closer. This usually either concludes with him waking up from the kiss or him falling back asleep and laying his head against her chest.

Gabriel and Eve are the ones who are usually doing all the cooking for the four of them, while Siebren will try to help, but will get frustrated and accidentally make ingredients start to float through the air. Moira on the other hand just likes to sit back and be treated like a Queen, much to Gabriel's utter annoyance and disapproval.
Let's just say, Gabriel has dropped an egg on Moira's head and blamed Siebren.

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