// Fever //

21 1 13

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Here's your request, I hope you enjoy reading these.

AU: Sick AU

Ship: No set ships, this chapter will include different characters from different fandoms.


Albert Wesker:

When Albert is sick, he tends to be a bit dismissive and stubborn, though it's not purely out of pride. Due to having become inhuman, he's worried that if he lets someone take care of him, they'll notice something off about him and start investigating.

With Eve being his girlfriend, he lets her closer than others, especially if she still manages to accept him despite his betrayal.
Due to this, he'll actually trust her. He'll let her examine the parts of him that seem more inhuman when he's sick, primarily his eyes.

He doesn't like being pampered despite what his personality may suggest. He likes to feel like he has at least a little control while he sick since he feels the sickness is too controlling. With Eve's help; since he knows she herself is too stubborn to let him make himself worse off, he'll get up and make cans of soup, he'll give himself his medicine, and he'll tend to shower or take a bath at least once a day until he's better.

He's a vomiter. When he gets sick, he can't hold his food down well, and he can't stand only eating soup. He'll eat other things that he's either more accustomed to or prefers, convincing himself that his stomach can handle it when it can't. Eve will probably spend a lot of time keeping his usually slicked back hair away from his eyes, rubbing his back as he gets sick, and massaging his aching stomach after he's laid back down.

Cough drops. He loves cough drops. Especially ones with menthol. He finds it relaxing how they open his nasal passages and cool his sore throat. Eve probably has to keep a stock of these for whenever Albert gets sick because he'll go through them quickly. These are honestly what keeps him from being an exhausted snotty mess.

Albert still likes to dress in his normal clothes when sick since he feels uncomfortable wearing pajamas all day. He does have a pair of silk pajamas that he is comfortable wearing for extended periods of time that eve bought him when she noticed that he wore clothes that made him burn up easier when sick.

Chris Redfield:

Chris likes to be babied when he's sick. He'll drop the tough guy act and take all the babying he can get since he knows it's not something that'll happen often. He likes it when Eve rubs his stomach, or when she'll rub medicine on his chest, he even enjoys her spoon-feeding him liquid medicine.

Chris sleeps a lot when he's sick. He'll tend to eat, take a bath, then fall asleep until he needs to wake up to eat again. He believes in the term "Sweat it out", thinking that if he gets enough sleep and sweats out the fever or sickness, he'll get better faster. While he loves the babying, he also knows he has a duty to help and protect others, so he wants to get better sooner rather than later.

Chris will eat almost exclusively soup and crackers. He knows that it's about the easiest thing for him to eat whilst sick. He likes when Eve makes him homemade soup. He actually prefers chicken and rice over classic chicken noodle.

Chris lets Claire come over and help Eve take care of him, though he doesn't let Claire baby him since as his little sister, it embarrasses him a lot. There's been a few times where Claire has walked in on Eve rubbing Chris's tummy, causing him to sit up in nearly a jump and try to act as if nothing happened.

If this is the Lycanthrope AU, then Chris tends to grow more body hair when he's sick, as well as his ears coming out and his teeth sharpening. He burns up very easily in this form and tends to like taking cool baths or showers to help relax himself, as well as ease the fever. He likes for Eve to sit in the bath with him and help him wash up, maybe even rubbing his back.

After Chris gets better, he'll take Eve out for a nice dinner since he feels bad about any canceled plans caused by him getting sick.

Karl Heisenberg:

Karl tends to hide being sick. He doesn't want Miranda to find out, so he tends to push himself way past his limits in order to avoid Miranda knowing he's sick. He will however let Eve know that he's sick. He'll give her money and send her out to buy him medicine since he hopes Miranda will assume Eve has just caught a common cold and is taking care of herself.

Sometimes; if he thinks Miranda may take advantage of thinking Eve is sick, he'll hide he's sick from Eve, mainly because he sees this as protecting her from that bitch. He'll attempt to nurse himself with soup, but he'll end up pushing himself too far and making himself extremely sick. It's likely that Eve will come to visit him and find Karl passed out in his work, covered in beads of sweat and running an extremely high fever.

Wet Rags. These are what Karl prefers most when he's sick. He loves to lay back with a wet rag on his head and close his eyes. He prefers the rags to be cold rather than warm since he burns up rather easily.
He really loves it when Eve rubs a cold rag either across his temples and forehead or against his chest and stomach. He finds it relaxing to the point that it helps him to fall asleep.

Karl has a wolf plushie that Eve gave him that he sleeps with like a teddy bear when he's sick. He will snuggle, squeeze, and even cover the wolf plush up. He keeps it especially close; near his heart, when Eve isn't available to stay beside him or is busy doing something around his factory.

If this takes place in the Lycanthrope AU, Karl is very likely to end up with his ears and tail out while he's sick, mainly because his wolf side becomes far more prominent when he's sick since it's harder to control. When he falls asleep, he tends to have nightmares caused by his fever. These nightmares lead to him howling in his sleep.
He likes for Eve to rub his ears when he's sick, especially if he has a headache since it eases the headache and helps de-tense.

Jotaro Kujo:

He is undoubtedly the most stubborn of Eve's lovers when it comes to being sick. He doesn't like being sick, doesn't like admitting to being sick, and doesn't like being taken care of. He'll tend to close himself up in his room. Usually, he'll only relent when Eve or his mother show that they're extremely upset and worried about them since he doesn't want either of them hurt.

Jotaro likes to mainly eat crackers while sick since he hates vomiting. He hates the feeling to an extreme. He also hates when he has that yucky feeling of feeling the bile rising in his throat and knowing he's going to get sick. He used to try to swallow it down, but after an incident where he vomited on Eve in one of these attempts, he stopped doing this since he felt bad to have embarrassed his girlfriend.

Jotaro is the kind of person to get up and do everything on his own despite being sick. He doesn't care how high his fever is, how dizzy he is, or how much his nose runs, he will do things on his own. He'll even go out and buy his own medicine.
This often leads to Eve and his mother having to prepare in advance for the first signs they see of Jotaro being sick. They also often have to follow him since he tends to get dizzy when sick; especially if he has a fever, which has actually led to him losing his balance and falling.

Jotaro will let Eve take care of him if he notices she's really worried. He'll let her rub his stomach since he has noticed that's something she enjoys doing. What he really likes is for Eve to run her nails gently against his back. He finds the gesture very soothing and relaxing, more so than a massage.

Jotaro likes to drink a lot of drinks that keep him hydrated and energized despite being sick. He'll primarily drink coffee and drinks similar to Powerade and Gatorade. Though he did have a bad experience that thought him not to eat soup and Powerade together, at least not quickly. It was really unpleasant when he ended up vomiting up bright green liquid that dyed his noodles green as well, as well as the little chicken bits and even the carrots. This is partially why he prefers to stick to just crackers. Never again does he want to see a sight like that again.

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