//Heart-Shaped Sunglasses //

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Sorry if the tag is a bother, but I had an idea for Kiku x Jude, and Kiku x Slade, so I decided to write it here just so I wouldn't take up too much room in PM.

Anyways, onto the idea!


So, when we do the reincarnation-based AUs, it's typically Jude who's filled with longing at once again having the love that he had lost.

I was thinking, what if the reverse?

Jude, by the time Kiku has been reincarnated, has gotten married, divorced, and dedicated his life to working hard and raising his son. The love he had with Kiku that he once held so dear, has fallen far from his mind after the years that had passed.

Kiku though, now in her twenties in this new life, remembers just about everything that happened between them, and to her, it feels just as real as it had when it actually happened. And so, she decides to search out her lost love, wanting to know what's happened to him, and despite the age difference, she hopes to rekindle their lost romance.

And she does find him one day. When she applies for a job, it's by chance that the man she loved in a past life is now her boss.

She's absolutely struck when seeing him again because when she looks at him, she doesn't see a stuffy businessman who's older, and intimidating to most. She sees the man that she has these vivid memories of laying under the moon with, kissing, cuddling, and laughing.

At first, she thinks that he hired her because he remembered who she was, and recognized her. Though, to her utter dismay, she finds out quickly that isn't the case.
Instead, he just hands her a stack of paperwork and tells her to get to work, because it's her first day and she ought to impress him if she wants to keep her job as his assistant.

The girl attempts to keep her head up though, believing that in due time, he'll remember her. She knew she couldn't just tell him. He didn't remember and he'd just assume her to be crazy if she claimed she was his love reincarnated.

During her time working for him, she ends up learning about his life since her. He got married, had a son, and got divorced. His son seems to be his world. He's always there for him despite his son being grown and is beyond proud of him.
At times, it made her wonder about what would have happened had she lived long enough to be a mother.

She eventually met his son when he visited the office, and the two hit it off quickly, forming a friendship.
Though she still couldn't quite shake the feelings she held for Jude, the love from years before flowed through her veins almost as naturally as blood.

She attempted to get close to Jude, but she constantly was brushed off by him. He was kind enough to her, but it was as if there was a barrier there, separating them, only letting them get so close to one another.
Every time she tried to ask him to spend time with her outside of work, he already had plans or had a date.
She could never forget the time when a man who worked for him, came into the office, and she found out he was an ex of Jude's. How they reminisced on the old times and talked fondly of their past relationship. It hurt, so much, because he didn't remember much of their time together, but did remember others.
She had to excuse herself to use the bathroom so she could cry.

Throughout this all, her relationship with Slade increasingly became closer. She felt safe with him as if they could hold one another and keep each other together. He held her when she cried, and lulled her into silence.
It felt so safe, so secure, and she wasn't sure she could live without that feeling, especially with how she increasingly found her heart aching because Jude just couldn't remember her.

One day, she went over to Jude's home with Slade, Slade having asked her to go with him because Jude planned to do some cleaning, and Slade thought maybe they could find some nice things to mess around with.

Kiku stayed alone with Slade and sorted through things with him, while Jude worked off on his own not far from the two.

As Jude was cleaning, he found an old photo album, and curiosity getting the better of him, he began to look through it.

One photo though, stopped him in his tracks, his hands beginning to tremble softly as he traced the photo with one hand, the other holding up the album still.

In the photo, he saw himself kissing the same girl who was working with him every day, and all he could find himself murmuring at that moment, was her name as if he just remembered it and didn't already speak it almost every day.

Lowering the photo album from his gaze, he wanted to speak, say something to the girl, but he was stopped in his tracks by what he saw.

Almost as if mimicking the photo, he saw his son holding her, kissing her the same way he had in the photo. The same tenderness and love that he held for her shone in his son.
It looked so similar to the photo he had just gazed upon. Then again, he had always been told, his son was a lot like him, even if he nor Slade saw it.
Perhaps he had inherited his father's taste in women?
No, that wasn't it. In this case, it was this particular girl. He knew it. Because despite never really acknowledging it, he had seen the tender ways Slade treated her before that day. He had never treated anyone else that way. 
In fact, he... He couldn't help but wonder if perhaps Slade was even more attached to her than he had been.

She had called out to Jude so much, tried so hard, just for a little acknowledgment, just for a sign that something still remained. And every time, he had shut that down, never giving it a chance.
Always concerned with another, or business, or just something else, always missing the desperation in her dark eyes.

And through it all, his son had grown closer and closer to the girl, until there was more than just a friendship, but an undeniable love.
And eventually, Slade just couldn't hide how he felt anymore. To him, he wasn't just an assistant or the memories of a past life. She was a girl around his age who he had grown to adore and wanted nothing more than to have as his.


Just thought this could be interesting! Feel free to say what you think!

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