// Comfort RP Ideas for my Best Friend //

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-LesbianWitch- / -_CookieCat_-
I know we've both been feeling stressed lately, so I wanted to do something that could be fun and interactive for you
That gave me the idea to make a chapter of roleplay ideas I've had for Eve. I'm really struggling with ideas for myself, I originally intended this chapter to have ideas for us both, but I couldn't figure any for myself, so this chapter is one solely for you.

Basically, I write the ideas, you choose the one you want to do if you like any of them, and pick the ship, and that's it.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter idea and that you have fun with this.


Evil Prince(This is the only scenario with a defined ship, for all others you can choose the ship):

This is an idea I've written before, but given you've been back into DL lately, I wanted to rewrite it since you originally said it reminded you of Eve x Reiji.

In a fairytale verse, Eve and Reiji are Prince and Princess. Reiji is promised the throne to become King, but only if he marries. If he doesn't, he'll remain merely a Prince.
In this fairy tale, Eve is Reiji's destined Princess. He tries to impress her, this being with kind acts, experiments that show his intelligence, and by taking interest in all the things she likes. Reiji though, just can't win her heart. Everything he does for the wrong reasons. It's all superficial or done merely to impress. He doesn't actually care about any of it past looking good. And EVe realizes this and so rejects him.

Reiji can't handle this rejection and so goes to an old witch who's been outcasted by the town. He befriends the lonely witch who is actually just a lonesome old woman and uses their friendship to learn magic and how to concoct potions.
Eventually, he has Eve meet the woman and they become friends, him taking Eve to visit the Witch.

One day on one of these visits, Eve ends up being slipped a sleeping potion by Reiji. The witch notices Eve won't wake up and becomes worried about her, telling Reiji to go get help.

Reiji merely smirks and reveals his plans. If the Witch doesn't go along with the plans, he'll poison Eve and frame the Witch. Forced into silence, the Witch agrees to go along with the plans.

Reiji gives Eve the antidote to the sleeping potion and kisses her right as she begins to wake up, giving the allusion of true love's first kiss.

Reiji tells the story of how the witch had accidentally given Eve a cookie that contained a sleeping draught that was supposed to be used to help more humanly kill those sentenced to death, and how true love's first kiss was the only antidote.
He then asks her once more if she'll be his and marry him.

Not knowing any better, the fair Princess Eve accepts this story as the Witches sadly watches on. Unknowingly, at least for now, Eve had just agreed to marry the villain of her fairy tale.


Not so Beautiful(Shrek Inspired, the LI would be an Ogre or Orc):

For all his life, he/she had been deemed ugly. Never wanted, always feared, seen as grotesque. They were a monster, and while they hated it, they had grown to accept it. That didn't mean they wanted to spend the rest of their life alone. They didn't, they wanted to find love.

One day, it's announced that a Princess who had long been asleep in the highest tower of the most dismal land, had finally woken up. She couldn't escape the tower on her own due to a curse that had been put up. A magical forcefield that prevented her from leaving alone.

Many went to try and save her. All failed. Most died, and some though survived but refused to talk about what happened and why they had returned without the Princess.

They found out about her though and decided this would be a major turning point in their life. They'd go to the tower and try to save her. Either they succeeded and found true love, or they died trying.
They gathered their supplies and set out on their journey to save the Princess.

They made it to the tower within a few days. And once inside, they began to search for the Princess and fought off every obstacle they faced. By the time they reached the Princess, the sun had begun to set.

To their surprise, the beautiful Princess looked utterly dejected. Her head was rested in her hands, but it soon raised up upon seeing the person before her. She momentarily grimaced, something they thought and was used to being directed at them before she stood up.

"I've come to rescue you, Princess." They spoke before they bowed and offered her a rough calloused hand.

"No, you haven't you'll be just like the rest once the sun sets." The Princess replied as she looked towards the window as the sky increasingly grew darker, nearing night now.

"I have no idea what you mean." They replied as they walked toward the Princess, their hand coming to rest on her shoulder.

"You'll see in just a few moments now." She murmured as she dropped her gaze to the ground.

Once the sun had set, a bright and blinding whitish-golden light enveloped the Princess. When it had faded, standing before her rescuer was (Monster of your Choice for Eve).

They gaped at her, unspeaking, their mouth hanging open.

"See, I told y-" The Princess began only for her to be cut off as she was embraced in a tight hug.

"You're so cute! Come on now, we need to get out of here. My Princess, my new bride." They spoke as they pulled away from the hug and connected their hand to Eve's, beginning to lead the monstrous Princess out of the room and castle she had been trapped in her entire life.

All the while, Eve followed along, absolutely dumbfounded since she had expected to be rejected as she had by all the others who survived since she wasn't the picture-perfect Princess they had hoped for.


Halloween Romance(Inspired by Halloweentown):

All her life she had grown up surrounded by all these beautiful, colorful, and surreal monsters. She herself was a Witch. She had never met a human though. Not until that very day at least.

She had been out in the town, buying some groceries she needed as well as some items she needed for a potion when she ran into someone who seemed completely out of place. Their clothing was extremely boring and plain. They had no noticeably unique features. And worst of all, they were grumpy, walking lurched over. Their breath stunk of some type of liquor.

Eve was concerned for this person's well-being. They seemed extremely hungover, if not drunk.

Eve gently grabbed the person by the arm and led them away from the crowd, pulling them somewhere less populated.

"Are you alright?" She asked as she peered into the person's somewhat bleary and unfocused eyes.

"Where am I?" They asked as they blinked their eyes a bit, attempting to get them to focus.

"You're in Halloweentown. Now, tell me, where do you live? I could call you a cab, or drive you home."

"Halloweentown? What the hell are you on about? No such place exists. And I can't tell you where I live because it certainly isn't anywhere around here. I just know that I went to take a bus home last night and ended up here."

For a moment Eve was confused until she slapped a hand to her forehead and sighed in exasperation. She knew exactly what happened and it was no good.

This person was a human and they had gotten so drunk last night, which had been Halloween, they had ended up taking the bus that took the residents of Halloweentown who decide to visit the mortal world home. The bus that only ran on Halloween and no other day of the year. This human would be stuck here in Halloweentown for an entire year. And unintentionally, Eve introducing herself to this human meant she'd be taking care of them and helping them adjust to this odd world they were now in.


I'm sorry about there only being three ideas. Since these are ones I wrote myself and not prompts I found, I didn't have too many to write. Since these are all longer, I really hope you like at least one of them or at least enjoy having read them.

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