// "I said your dad's hot!" //

22 1 10

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
I had the song in the header recommended to me recently, and it reminded me of the time you tagged me in the past for Jude, Kiku, and Slade, and it gave me an idea for an imagine that combines that as well as a Scream concept that's been implied before. This chapter won't focus entirely on this song, but it is the main imagine that gave me some ideas.

AU: A mix of AUs with most focusing around the main universe.

Ship: More of a multiship chapter.


Imagine in the AU where Slade leaves Kiku behind for popularity, but she's still forced to be around him, Stu, and Billy because she babysits Charlie, that Billy is constantly accusing Kiku of having a thing for Hank because of how close she is to Charlie and how long she's been the main babysitter.
Kiku eventually gets fed up with this, and snaps because Billy managed to get both Stu and Slade on her case.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she'd cross her arms over her chest and exclaim that if she had a crush on any older guy, it'd be Jude because he's hot as hell and is the business man that Hank should strive to be. She'd then cover her mouth at the realization of what she admitted and turn rather red.
Just imagine all the reactions the the three woul have, especially since this would also reveal that Kiku isn't bound solely to them.

Imagine an AU or scenario based on "We Don't Talk About Bruno", but not because of any of the characters having gifts, but because of how one person can be used as the scapegoat;

Kiku would be the scapegoat in question. She'd notice that the way Billy and Stu treat the murders and deaths is concerning. Such as Stu saying it takes a man to completely hollow someone out the way Steve and Casey were. After all, Casey was his ex, shouldn't he be hurting since he at least cared for her at some point? Not to mention, isn't it odd he has so much anger towards Steve? It wasn't Steve's fault that Casey chose him over Stu.
She'd be concerned with Billy's insistance towards Sydney having sex with him. After all, Sydney's under the impression that her mother was raped and murdered by Cotton Weary, a man she supposedly had an affair with. Shouldn't Billy be understanding that his girlfriend isn't ready for sex, especially since she was the one who saw the supposed Cotton leaving the scene of the crime? And with Sydney being talked badly of by girls who think she's lying about the Ghostface killer attacking her, shouldn't he be comforting?
Also, why is Stu guilt tripping Sydney over Billy being arrested? Isn't it only logical that the person at the scene where Sydney was attacked would be the suspect? Especially if Billy's coming in the window after the costume was ditched? Sure, Billy's his best friend, but until the killer is found, isn't it best to exhaust all possibilities?
Imagine, Kiku is finally made the scapegoat when she's seen talking to Sydney, trying to express her worries about Billy, Stu and their motives, especially since as the babysitter to Billy's little brother, she ended up overhearing a phone call from a girl that seemed extremely odd. She didn't claim that Billy cheated since she had no proof, but she did point out that the girl was another classmate.
This spurns Billy and Stu to get her out of the picture. They know with how suspicious she is of them that killing her would be sealing their own coffins, so they decide to set her up.
They use a journal of hers where she talks about a crush she had to make her seem obsessive, which makes people weary of her since her crush was seemingly on Steve.
The two twist an innocent crush into something that could be used as an incentive for murder. They make her seem like her worries about them are unjust and done to cover her own tracks.
They then cause the worst blow to her reputation when they make it seem that her relationship with the little boy she babysits is less than innocent. They do this by asking the boy about his babysitter and wording the questions they ask to be hard and intricate for the little one to answer, leading to answers that could be twisted and then spread as rumors to further ruin the girl's credibility. It also leads to her losing her job as Charlie's babysitter when Hank catches wind of these rumors.
All their actions end up leading into the girl being heavily harassed and having her worries about Stu and Billy dismissed. She's seen as the bad guy because she tried to point out the odd behavior of two boys already connected and filled with motive for the murders and attacks. This leads to her trying to live a quiet life in the aftermath; one where Billy and Stu are never found out, but is faced with constant harassment since people genuinely believe she may of played a part in the deaths and attacks.
Eventually, this leads to a suicide attempt when she's about 23, but like most of her story, it just doesn't go as planned and she lives. When one of the characters finds out; whether this is Stu, Billy, Slade, or even Charlie, they decide to visit her after she's gotten out of the hospital.
The character; who's face is obscured by a hood at first, asks her what happened to her, and she plainly says "I tried to warn everyone that two boys weren't what they seemed. They found out I was suspicious of them, and in turn, they turned everyone again me."
(I feel like this imagine could be really interesting as a scenario since it has a lot of different ways it could go,
Like imagine if Slade was who visited her because he was actually her friend up until everyone turned against her. She thought he'd stay by her side, but due to his longing to be normal, he turned against her and joined everyone else because to him, it was his one chance to grasp at normality and make the life he always wanted. He even achieves this, becoming a fairly well known gothic model and has money, fans, girls who want to fuck him, everything he always wanted. Though after hearing about the suicide attempt, he decides to come back to the small town that gave him his start on his life of luxury because something in the back of his mind is telling him to. He sees the parallels between himself and his old best friend, both people who desperately wanted to be loved.
He has everything that he ever wanted and has been in a good place of mental health, stability, and fiancial stability. She on the other had her dreams crushed by the ruin of her reputation, is in a very poor place mentally, and doesn't have much money. He has everything because he gave up the one person who chose him at his worst, while she has nothing because he left her at hers.
Like, imagine the angst that could come after Slade taking off his hood and how her plain reactions would change to something more saddened. Imagine him trying to be gentle and kind like the past, and her being weary and almost scared.)

Or, if there were to be anything else you'd like to see and have personally added, feel free to tell me.)

An Alice in Zombieland AU involving these ships. Like, examining the type of relationships Kiku would have with other characters whilst still having Kiku x Slade as the primary focus could be interesting.

*Okay, so this chapter only has three imagines, mainly because one is extremely long-*

Feel free to add anything to either of these imagines since there's only three! Like, if you want to post what you think the characters reactions in the first imagine would be, I'd be happy to see! Or if there's anything you'd want to add to the last two, I'd be happy to see as well!

If there's any ideas you'd like to share for yourself, or any requests you have, feel free to share/ask!

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