// An Idea/Imagine //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Sorry if the tag is a bother at all, I got an idea that takes inspiration from different roleplays, and I thought it might be an idea you might be interested in since you introduced the original concept that is the inspiration for the RP. This being Billy and Stu using Slade to take what was always his, this being Kiku or his Kitten.

AU:  Partial AU

Ship: Multiship


Okay, so what if Billy and Stu didn't befriend Slade with the intention to make him more like them; or to embrace that side of him, but to convince him to pursue his dreams?

When Slade becomes friends with the slightly younger boys, he's struggling to make up his mind concerning pursuing his dreams. His father, Jude, is offering to help Slade get a start on his modeling career by funding him. Jude wants Slade to move on from the small town and pursue his dreams, and while his father doesn't dislike Kiku, he thinks she's too clingy and fears that she'll hold his son back, especially since Jude can tell she's in love with Slade. He refuses to let Kiku go with Slade and refuses to fund Slade if he insists on bringing his best friend with him.

Slade more than anything wants to pursue his dreams. He knows he is not considered conventional due to his very unique features, very tall height, and large build, but he's determined to succeed. He's always been the freak and he hates how people stare at him when they see him for the first time. The bugged eye looks. How guys and girls alike jump when he taps their shoulder to ask for help at a store. He wants to prove he can be beautiful, he wants to be loved by everyone the way his Kitten loves him. Though due to his father's offer, he knows he might lose his best friend if he chooses fame, fortune, and universal love over her. It means the world to him though, to finally be loved and normal.

This is when Billy and Stu come in. They befriend him as usual, and eventually, after earning Slade's trust, Slade tells the two how he feels and how he's not sure what to choose. The two men convince their "friend" to pursue his dreams, telling him that the girl will understand if she truly cares about him, that Slade might never have this opportunity again, and all types of comforting things involving the girl.
Slade decides the two are right and tells his father he'll accept the offer.

Slade never tells Kiku face to face that he's leaving and that he's leaving her behind. Deep down, he knows that it'll hurt her, and he knows he won't be able to stand that look of heartache on her face. He knows if he sees her break into tears, he just might falter and give up everything just to have her. He can't do that though. Why should he give up everything for just one girl? Yes, she made life bearable for him in this small town, but he shouldn't have to deal with bearable. He wants to be beautiful to more people than just her.

He leaves her a note that says these sentiments, along with a goodbye, admittedly not realizing until after he's gone just how harsh the note sounds.

Over the next few years, Slade succeeds in everything he wanted, though he hasn't had contact with his Kitten since he left. Well, he hasn't contacted her. For the first two years, she wrote him letters. He never read them since he was afraid of what she may have been saying, afraid to read her heartache, afraid to falter and go back for her, and he figured she stopped writing after she only ever got back categorized responses that all fans were sent back. The only thing he ever opened and kept from her was a stuffed wolf she sent him.
He had managed to keep in contact; mainly over texts and calls, with Billy and Stu, though it wasn't often they talked. He just knew they were happy and seemingly each had a girlfriend that made them happy as well.

Though when Slade turned 27, he began to struggle with addiction and younger models growing in popularity whilst he found himself working less and less. Eventually, he was told by his manager to take a break after he showed up to a work shoot drunk and got into a tussle with another model. Realizing he needed a bit of a reality check and a break, he chose to finally return to that small town and visit his father, his two guy best friends, and his Kitten.

When he returned to town, the first person to talk to him was his father who was just glad to see that his son was trying to get himself back together.

After that, he decided to visit the two boys who were about twenty-five now. Admittedly, he didn't have the courage to see his Kitten yet. He had realized how much he missed her and how badly he wanted to reconcile. He wanted her to be his like she used to be, though he wasn't yet sure if he wanted to settle down in Woodsboro and live a quiet life there, or return to work and ask her to come with him. He was also scared of the anger and heartache he'd have to face when seeing her again.

When he went to see his two friends again, they insisted they visited him at their shared home. This made him a bit suspicious as to if the two had been honest about having girlfriends given the circumstances, but he agreed regardless.

Though when he actually was let inside, he felt himself freeze when he saw that a third person lived with the boys, especially since that person was currently squirming and squeaking as they were held down on one of their laps.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." The boy at the door commented, a grin curling on his lips. Though this caused the girl to look up, dark eyes coming to rest on Slade as she stopped squirming on the other boy's lap.

It didn't take Slade long to put the pieces together. Before he left town, his Kitten had been complaining that two best friends really creeped her out whenever she babysat one of the boy's baby brother. He hadn't thought that his two new friends could possibly be the creepy guys.
Though he realized now that the two boys had taken advantage of both him and his Kitten.
They had convinced Slade to leave knowing just how damaging it'd actually be, then played hero and warped his Kitten's broken heart by telling her the opposite of what they told him, that if he loved her, he would have stayed or taken her with him, or that if he loved her, she would have meant more than fame or money.
They had eventually wormed their way into her mind and heart and got their way with her.

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