// Fairytale Frenzy //

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Here's the chapter I promised you. ^^


Eve x Kuai - The Hare's Bride(This a far more innocent version of the story because in the actual story, the hare tries to force the girl to be his bride, and she runs away)

When Eve meets Kuai during the second tournament, she's initially led to believe that he's not to be trusted and told to stay away from him and not act kindly to him.

Kuai though, immediately falls in love with Eve, and one day, when they end up alone, he asks her to come with him, to give him just one chance with her.
She hesitantly agrees.

He ends up making her an ice kingdom with her abilities, and spends the time talking to her, allowing her to see the emotional side of him, the side his brother didn't have.

Eve finds that she has a wonderful time, but before they part for the night, he asks her if she'll be his bride, and he tells her is she says yes, this kingdom could be their life.

Eve x Kenshi - Rapunzel

My idea is that this story would suit them in an AU where Eve and Kenshi meet earlier in MK.

Eve was once married to Shang Tsung, but after he began to grow more greedy, she runs away from him. Only to find herself captured and locked away in a tall tower behind him. Her once short black hair is forced to grow long.

One day, a man climbs her tower, using her hair, just as Shang always did. This man is Kenshi, who can still see at this time.

The two begin a romance hidden from Shang, and Eve plans to run away with Kenshi though. Kenshi also plans to work with Shang for his gain, and then run away with Eve after he's gotten what he wanted.

Though when that time comes, Kenshi is blinded by Shang, who also stole the souls of his ancestors, Shang having realized Kenshi's plans.

As Kenshi lies blinded and bleeding, Eve is horrified and backs away from her ex-husband and captor, trying to figure out how she can help Kenshi and get away from Shang.

Eve x Raiden - Cinderella(A very different retelling)

Basically, my idea is that Raiden is the wicked stepmother, and Eve is in the role of Cinderella.

Eve is in love with Raiden, but it seems that nothing she does can impress him. He just works her harder, believing a mortal and God could never be in love.

When a ball is announced, Eve decides to attend. It's a costume ball, so she wears an elegant dress with a mask that obscures her face just enough to make her unrecognizable. Most notably though, she gets a pair of custom-made shoes, ones that no one else has.

Eve ends up dancing with a beautifully dressed man who she has a wonderful time with. They get along wonderfully, but at the end of the ball, when she's about to unmask and reveal herself to him, she's called away when she's told Johnny got drunk off his ass and needs a ride home.

She loses one of the shoes, which the man finds, and he, remembering her mentioning that the shoes were one of a kind, decides to find the woman with the matching shoe.

When he finds the woman with the matching shoe, he finds out it's Eve, and Eve finds out her Prince is Raide, a.k.a, the Wicked God.

Eve x Bi-Han - The Frog Prince

I could imagine the original tale of the Frog Prince fitting Eve x Bi-Han, though with the roles reversed. Eve being in the role of the Frog Prince, and Bi-Han as the spoiled Princess.

Eve meets a young Bi-Han when he's out playing one day. I could imagine that she's a dove rather than a frog, and he ends up losing a very special kite in a tree. She agrees to get it down for him, but only if he agrees to marry her and take her back to his home.
He agrees, and she gets it down from him. He though, immediately yanks the kite from her beak and runs home without her.

Later that night, a faint knocking is heard at the door to the home, and the dove, Eve, is there. She tells his father what Bi-Han did, and the father demands that Bi-Han keep his promise.

Eve throughout the night is kind to him, but with how small she is, she needs extra help. This starts to annoy Bi-Han, he doesn't want to help, but his father makes him.

When they go to bed that night, Bi-Han is required to let Eve stay with him in his room, but when she needs help getting comfortable, he gets upset and throws her against the wall.

Though to his utter surprise, this leads to Eve transforming into a beautiful Princess, him having broken the curse she had been under, even if in the wrong way.

Eve x Kabal - The True Sweetheart(This won't be exactly the same, but inspired)

In this story, a woman who lives under a cruel stepmother is tasked with making her happy by performing nearly impossible tasks for her. Her fairy godmother helps her perform these tasks.

I could imagine that in this fairytale AU, Kano would dislike Eve when she attempts to join the Black Dragons and to make her suffer, he makes her do tasks she shouldn't be able, but she succeeds at these tasks, and proves herself, which also causes Kabal to grow interested in her.

The two begin a relationship, but Kano, not liking Eve still, sabotages their relationship when he finds they plan to marry. Kabal loses his memory when he ends up injured, and Kano, with the help of another female member, convinces Kabal that he's been with the other woman all this time and not Eve, and they soon plan to marry, leaving Eve devastated.

One day though, Eve shows herself to Kabal after she tries on the bride's dress, leading to Kabal regaining his memory of her and asking her to marry him again.

Eve x Shang - Allerleirauh(Based on the first part only)

In this fairy tale, a father wants to marry his own daughter because she's the only living woman as beautiful as his late wife, her mother. This obviously won't be included in the imagine, but I thought it should be included since it is the story basis.

Eve would be in the role of the Princess, and Shang in the role of the King.

Shang desperately wants to marry Eve, but Eve, knowing Shang is evil, is hesitant and makes stipulations. The only way she'll marry him is if he presents her with the three things she asks for. These three items are all extremely hard to actually get. Three dresses that match exactly the sun, moon, and sunset. A fur mantle made of a piece of fur from every animal in the kingdom. And a flame that'll never die. And this must be achieved in a week's time.

Eve expects Shang to fail, but when the week ends, she finds each item she asked for, presented to her elegantly.

Now, she has no choice but to keep her end of the deal and marry Shang.

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