// An Urban Legend: Rethought //

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ShimadaWife / -_CookieCat_-
I didn't mention it yesterday, but a book I had ordered finally arrived in the mail. It's this big book of common Urban Legends collected through the years, and it's not a children's book to say the least.

One of the most common urban legends, "The Hook", was in it. In this book, the author actually does some research into the basis of the legend, the meaning of it, and if it could have actually happened.
Well, with the hook, it's suggested it actually represents to some extent, the girl, when she's out with her boyfriend, being unready to have sex with him, and the story representing the boy sinking his hook into her, and that ended up giving me a different take on the story, so I thought I'd write it here as a scenario, idea of sorts.


The girl had gone out to the movies with a nice boy she had met earlier that day, though, after the nice little date they had, he had taken her to a make-out place, a popular place lots of couples went to hook up. The girl wasn't all too ready for this, and every time her date fidgeted with the radio dial, she'd, in turn, lay her hand on the dial and turn the music to something less romantic, even turning to new stations to avoid the mood music he was trying to get her into.

As he was beginning to grow annoyed, the new station she just flipped to made an announcement that a man had escaped a psychiatric hospital earlier in the day and that he had a hook for a hand.
Upon hearing this, the girl immediately asked to go home. The make-out place was right by the hospital and she was afraid of what could happen. The boy kept trying to reassure her that everything was alright, that she'd be fine, that he'd protect her, and that they could go on having their nice and happy little date.

She refused. She wanted to go home.

He kept trying his best to get the mood back up, even though it hadn't even been that high before. Putting the romantic music back on, trying to joke with her, but nothing that he tried worked.
She just once more, asked him, please, can we go home? And he finally relented.

Reaching under the seat of his chair, the girl thought that maybe he was grabbing his jacket he had discarded once they got there as he fumbled his hand around, trying to get a grip, and so thought nothing of it, looking out the window.
Though when she heard what sounded like "screeeecch", coming from his side of the car, she turned to face him, her hands gripping onto his arm as she once again went to plead for him to take her home because now, she was getting really scared.

But, she left wide-eyed and frozen in terror, unable to speak as she stared at what he had retrieved from his seat. Not his jacket, but a hook.

She had gone out with the escaped psycho. He didn't have a hook for a hand, he just wore it as an accessory to use in his crimes, and the news had it confused.

Letting go of his arm, she immediately pulled the door to her side open, hastily unlocking it. Though before she was fully out, he had hooked her arm, and she tripped to the ground at the hook's grip yanking her back, causing her to groan in pain.

Before she could stumble and get to her feet, she found herself being lifted up by the man, who was grinning and holding her, having caught the prize he wanted. Her.

"Let's go home, right? I'll take care of you. At least now you won't be running away."


The idea would begin there. I just thought it could be an interesting take on an already well-known story.

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