// "Your logic's hazy!" //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
These are Yandere imagines for Kiku, but if you'd like me to write some Yandere imagines for Eve, let me know, I'd be happy to.
These imagines won't occur in any specific universe but will focus primarily on OCs and Scream. Hence, the simple way to put it is that depending on the character, the universe will depend on that character, or on the version of the character.


Imagine, Jude, becoming obsessed and extremely possessive over Kiku in an AU where Slade leaves her behind, leaving her broken-hearted. At first, he treats her kindly because he feels sympathy for her as well as guilt for helping Slade to leave, but over time it turns into something more.
He makes sure she's extremely financially secure, paying her high above what her job position's typical rate is. He'll have her accompany him to business meetings because he's afraid that if he leaves her alone, another man will become interested in her and steal her away. He'll "Accidentally" book them to share a room as another excuse to keep a close eye on her.
Imagine that Slade comes back to town after he's fallen off his path, falling into vices and not booking gigs anymore. He plans to take back what he views as "His", having come to regret leaving behind his Kitten.  He constantly attempts to get close to the girl, but Jude foils this, thinking his son will break her heart again.

Imagine Billy thinking in the aftermath, that everything will be okay, that his and Stu's plan will work out as intended. He thinks after Sydney is dead and he and Stu have gained status as the victims that survived, that he'll manage to turn the sour relationship between him and his little brother's babysitter around, something he's been wanting after growing infatuated with the girl after getting used to her being around. Sure, he's not a good guy, he's even cheated on Sydney, but the babysitter doesn't know.
Instead, Stu; unaware of Billy's intentions, ruins his plans by setting the girl up by showing the police a journal that Kiku "Obsessively" wrote about her love for an unnamed boy, this being assumed to be Steve, the boyfriend killed alongside Casey Becker. Stu thinks he's being helpful by setting her up, especially with how suspicious he knows he looks as the ex of the victim. 
Kiku begins to face harassment that starts to drive her into a very fragile mental state and deep depression, something she didn't think could happen so quickly.
Billy of course notices this. To her surprise, he attempts to comfort her when she's babysitting, telling her to keep her head up and to hold on because the light is closer than it seems. He also refuses to let Stu anywhere near her.
Though after he's arrested as a suspect, she becomes wary of him, especially when she overhears Stu guilt-tripping Sydney over what happened. Before Billy shows up at the party and before he kills Tatum, but after the Principal, he and Kiku have a confrontation. He's upset with her for turning on him and starts to get extremely angry. He ends up grabbing her and claiming that she's a bitch, and asking can't she see that he's done so much for her. He starts to get further enraged when she starts to get scared and starts to try and struggle away from him, claiming that he's crazy. Right as he's about to hurt her, Charlie cuts in, holding the phone, claiming that Billy's scaring him, and if he doesn't stop, he'll call the cops.
Knowing his little brother sees Kiku like a mother, Billy drops everything, knowing he can't risk jeopardizing everything now.
Though if he does survive the night and have his plan work as intended, he has every intention to go home after his and Stu's hospital visit and make it clear to the babysitter that she's his, even if it scares her.

Imagine Kiku confessing her love to Stu before he and Tatum start dating. With Billy and him having their plans in place already, he rejects her. He even does so harshly to ensure she doesn't try to get between him and Tatum. Despite this, he can't get her kind words out of his head, especially since she sees him as the man that Casey supposedly never did.
Despite knowing it's risky, he starts to call Kiku once the killings start, using a voice changer. Though rather than threatening to kill her, he's flirty. Though he starts to make things uncomfortable when the phone calls become perverse and obscene, with him stating rather dirty and perverted things that make the inexperienced girl extremely uncomfortable.
He overhears Kiku telling a friend; a boy named Slade, that she's scared because she's been getting creepy calls, but the ones she receives are perverse and dirty. Slade promises to stay with her while she babysits, wanting to protect her.
To Stu's dismay though, Kiku and Slade kiss only moments later, something it seemed that both had been holding back from doing.
You had to have a sequel these days, maybe the babysitter could be the final girl in his.

Kiku becomes obsessed with her best friend Slade after he starts to become popular and drifts away from her as new opportunities open up for him.
Being a harmless Yandere, she starts to do little things for him that she hopes will earn his affections. She'll bake him cookies, knit him scarfs, buy him little knick-knacks, and other thoughtful little things. This though is all foiled by the popular girlfriend that Slade had recently started dating. She claims the credit for all the things that Kiku does for Slade, leading Slade to believe that Kiku has given up on him and that his girlfriend has become what his Kitten used to be.
Every time that Kiku tries to tell Slade the truth, he either dismisses her or his girlfriend interrupts them. Unable to break Slade's heart, she eventually relents and keeps up the act that his girlfriend claimed, wanting to keep Slade happy despite how unhappy she's becoming. She just wants her Sladey to be happy. It hurts her that he doesn't notice that something is wrong, that he sides so easily with his girlfriend.
A breaking point is reached though when Slade lets his girlfriend call him Sladey, something that only Kiku was allowed to call him. She asks him why, and he tells her plainly that he's not her Sladey anymore because she's changed. Kiku begins to sniffle and cry in front of her unsympathetic friend, her bottom lip quivering and her hands trembling. He thinks she's trying to guilt-trip him, but instead, she mutters that he's the one who's changed since he hasn't been the same since he became popular before she scurries off, no longer wanting to be near the man who's never noticed her affection for him and couldn't see past his pretty girlfriend to realize she was the one who'd been giving him gifts. Though in her tears, she runs into a boy...
A few months later, Slade no longer finds himself receiving gifts from the girlfriend who had supposedly been doing so regularly before.
Having been separated from his old best friend for a few months, he notices that she hasn't been hanging around him at all. He decides to ask around about her and finds out that she's got a boyfriend. He finds out the new couple's hangout place and finds out why he doesn't get those gifts anymore when he sees Kiku wrapping a scarf she had knitted herself around her boyfriend's neck as she kisses his cheek.
The shoe is now on the other foot because Slade now finds himself the jealous one despite his girlfriend, especially since he notices that her boyfriend actually returns her kindness, which is evident by the promise ring she's wearing.
(You can choose who the new boyfriend is in this imagine. I wanted to leave it up to you since I thought it'd be interesting to see who you think has nearly as wholesome of a relationship as what Kiku and Slade usually have.)

Kiku and Slade unknowingly being mutual Yanderes that try their hardest to hide this nature from each other, thinking that they'll scare the other away. In actuality, when they find out, they actually get rather excited because they both want the same exact thing from one another.


I hope you enjoyed reading these imagines, especially since they deviated from my typical format. Please, feel free to add anything you'd like to these. Whether it's an add-on to an imagine, something from the LIs perspective, or a personal imagine you have involving Yandere Kiku or a Yandere LI. I'd love to hear anything you might want to add!

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