// Random Imagine/Idea //

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Okay, so I watched an anime film from 1992, called Midori. Its story had been around for many years and has been adapted many times, but the film, in particular, was based on a Manga. Fair warning if interested in the film, it involves euro guro, and for many years, the film was banned due to the dark subject matters, and grotesque imagery.
Some parts of the film though, gave me a bit of an idea for MK Kiku.
My idea won't be as dark or depraved as the film, but will still be more macabre in concept given its basis.


Imagine, that one day, when Kiku's down and out, she meets what seems to be a kindly stranger. She's trying to find work, and he pays her for some work when he finds out, before telling her to go home because there are bad and nasty men out there who may hurt her.
He also though, gives her a card, telling her where she can find him if she needs any more help or better work. That she could come to stay if she needed or wanted to.
This supposedly kindly stranger is Kano, who's just as bad if not worse than the men she was warned of.

Eventually, when the girl finds she isn't doing any better on her own, she decides to take the stranger's offer, but when she arrives at the address she was given, she finds very quickly that most of the others there are very much, well, depraved, at least in comparison to normality, and much like how she can see that they aren't exactly good, they can also see that she doesn't fit in there.
Though she still clutches the card she was given and explains she was offered a job and a place to stay by the man with the red eye, which immediately amuses the others when they realize who she's talking about, and what she's gotten herself into.

After this, she's kept around, but not treated with anywhere near the same respect as the others, perhaps because she isn't a true member. Instead, she's just pushed around and disrespected due to her being an easier target.
At the least, she is paid what she was promised, though she's never given her money by the same man who offered her this job, the job that has become hell for her.

Whenever she can, she goes into town, just searching for something akin to normality. Though unbeknownst to her, this angers the boss she rarely sees, with him believing her coming off as so innocent in comparison to the other members, makes them look bad.
He also finds that he doesn't quite like her talking to the other men in town. After all, what if she decides to run off? Other members had claimed they had seen her staring off at some means of travel, often as if she wanted to go, with them telling her they wouldn't take her, even if she pleaded, because, to them, her associations made her no good.
Something about her running off, or being with a man other than him, ticks at him deeply. He was who gave her the job. He was who gave her a place to stay. She belonged to him.

One day, the girl is called in to see her boss, the boss who had tricked her into this, and who she hardly sees, though ominously, it always feels as if he's watching her.
The girl is unnerved admittedly at being alone with him, having of course realized he was likely the bad and nasty men, or in his case, the man, she had been warned about.

Standing with her hands folded in front of her, she waits for him to speak, dark eyes trained on the man as she remains quiet.


I know the idea is a little odd, but I thought the concept could fit this version of Kiku well, though the imagine does take liberties plot-wise since the plot from the film wasn't entirely coherent, or focused, and I thought it'd be better to better flesh out the plot. And some character elements have been combined for this reasoning as well. ^^

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