// Sometimes Fiction is Reality //

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As I mentioned recently, it's been rather rough recently. And today hasn't been any better tbh.
I've been trying to think of happy lil things to bring me out of the state I've been in, even if only for a few moments, and I thought of one that I thought was cute enough to share

Ship: Kiku x Slade(Maybe Kiku x Jude later on)


Imagine that Kiku has just been feeling really down and out, just done with life. Her main solace is her books, and her movies, which make her feel like she has an escape. After a particularly rough day, she's crying and reading one of her books, and she blatantly wishes she was in it. She falls asleep crying.
She doesn't end up in her book, but she'll soon find out that not all fiction is truly that.

Cue, her waking up. Everything looks the same, but something feels drastically different. As if something had changed overnight. The girl can feel it, but isn't able to put her finger on what it is.

She decides to go out and go shopping, to get some things she likely needs. Though while she's out, she ends up running into a man, and when she does, her heart skips a bit, because the man is absolutely stunning. The man, named Slade, had never been in love before and had never really cared for anyone either.

Though, that changes in that moment, because for the first time, he does feel something, and it's for this girl he just met.

Though, before either can do or say much of anything, (Event of your choice) happens, that leads to him protecting her, but also allowing for them both to grow even closer than before.


Sorry if the idea is a weird one, I just thought it could be really cute. I also thought it could be an interesting way for us to make a world for Kiku and Slade together. Like, the event being something you want to see them face, like zombies, monsters, some type of rival of Slade's, something involving Jude, honestly, Whatever, you want to see!

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