// Disheveled Innocence //

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This is kinda just a random idea I had based on a game playthrough I watched recently.

Game(Feel free just to skim through, though I suggest skipping to 21:40 for the main scenario basis):


My idea is based on how Lambchob is with Stella. How he seems to both hate and be utterly in love and obsessed with her, seeing her as the same as him, both wanting to have control of the narrative, with Stella wanting to have a perfect world where there is no pain and suffering, while Lambchop wants to have a more natural order in the world, but one that allows for him to cause pain and suffering.

I could see this as Kiku x Kano, but kinda the opposite. Where Kano is the one who despite having this dark world of his, has all control, while Kiku, who is new in his world, kinda takes away from that because she is so much more innocent in comparison to him, and wants to bring about something sweeter, which he doesn't understand.

He can see them as the same in some regards though, and this ends up leading to some type of twisted and dark obsession where he wants her but doesn't want to kill or hurt her because this obsession isn't the same type he has with Sonya.

And I could see it leading to a similar confrontation and proposal from Kano to Kiku.


I'd really love to hear what you may like to add to this idea! (^-^)

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