// A Reference Page //

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-SilentEvil- / -Ink_Ribbon-
I wanted to make a reference page for you concerning Kiku's ships, that way you have an idea of what I currently am into most right now. I thought that might make things easier for you when things; such as character choices, are left up to you. Most of these will be concerning her canon character ships, but OCs will be included, just not as heavily since those are all pretty well defined.
These will include little imagines I've thought of; such as crossovers since it might be something you can enjoy, as well as add your opinion on.

Primary Kiku x Canon Ships(These are just currently what I'm most interested in):

Kiku x Alucard
I love the chemistry and dynamic between these two. I also like how we've developed Kiku as a character so she isn't a carbon copy of Seras. It's nice to see Alucard be seen as something other than a monster and be able to show tenderness to Kiku that most wouldn't expect.
One quote I can think of that suits their ship would be from Lolita, though of course not under the same context since that "relationship" was far from healthy and genuinely loving. Though under the context of Kiku x Alucard, I think the quote suits how Alucard sees Kiku. In particular, I'm using the more simplified quote from the 1997 film.
"She could fade and wither - I didn't care. I would still go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of her face."

Kiku x Stu
This one is a no-brainer, isn't it? I love the natural chemistry the two had from the beginning. This ship was one that was so unexpectedly healthy and wholesome, but I love that since it shows how natural their chemistry was. They're just so cute together, and I enjoy how easily they find comfort in one another.
It's a bit hard to describe how much I love this ship, but if a reference is needed, I think that Kiku x Stu and Kiku x Alucard are on par with one another.

Kiku x Billy
While the chemistry isn't quite as intense as the previous two ships, I still love these two together. I think they shine best when it's from Billy's perspective; since it's been shown his attraction to her is shown more intensely, or when their similarities are explored. I also think those similarities could also add to Kiku as a character since I can see her reflecting on herself and wondering if she's as bad as Billy despite it being clear that she's not since she's both similar and very different.


OCs(Since her romantic relationships are already well established; Slade, Jude, Josh, and occasionally Ian, this is for platonic ships):

Kiku x Eve
Obviously, since these are our primary OCs, they kinda represent our friendship and I find it sweet. I'm always happy for the two to interact, so never be afraid to have Kiku and Eve talk, be it in an RP for Kiku or Eve. ^~^

Kiku x Charlie
Charlie is her little angel and baby boy, and you can bet that she'll absolutely dote on him. Ever since their first RP together, I've enjoyed seeing them have a mother-son relationship. And I think it says a lot about how strong their bond and love for each other is given that Charlie; regardless of the universe or AU, will risk himself to make sure Kiku is okay because she chose to protect him. Some examples of this are in our horror-oriented scenarios where he called the cops on Stu despite seeing him as an uncle, him telling Billy he'll get Billy in trouble if he separates them, and even in the first RP, they were ever in, where he ran to find Kiku after she was gone too long.


Some Crossovers/Imagines:

This one is probably the most odd of the bunch, but just imagine Alucard and Stu in the same universe. Both are shown to be eccentric in some manner, both act arrogant and cocky, and both show a lack of boundaries. There's also the aspect of Alucard and Stu both also being deeply emotionally damaged in some manner.
Like, it's odd, but just imagine Kiku having to put up with both of them, especially when they're in their moods.

Charlie in the Hellsing universe. This was very lightly touched on before, but not much. We've had him in other universes besides Scream before, such as Kiku and Slade often making the choice to adopt him, and eventually having Alex as well. So I could see Charlie working out in the Hellsing universe.


This is a shorter chapter, but it wasn't really meant to be long. Feel free to leave your opinions and thoughts, I'd be happy to hear them. ^~^

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