// Neopolitan Ice Cream and Cherry Pies //

26 1 2

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Here are some more headcanons! I hope you enjoy them. ^~^

Feel free to post any of your own headcanons in the comments below. ^^

AU: No specific AU.

Ship: Multi-Character Chapter.


Ash Williams:

Ash bought Eve a teddy bear that's dressed in a flannel shirt, and blue jeans, and has an ax in its hand. He got it since he said the ax might remind her of him, so it can be a comfort for her when he can't stay with her.

Ash once found a baby bird in the woods and took it home to Eve. With Eve's help, they nursed the little fella back to health. When they went to let the bird free, the bird chose to stay with them, having become attached to them, Eve in particular.
Due to this, they kinda made a little family with the bird.

When Eve is feeling down, Ash tends to turn on an old movie, pull Eve on the couch and cuddle with her. He likes to wrap her up in a blanket and cuddle her. He'll pet her hair, talk to her, and try to cheer her up.
He lets her say what's bothering her on her own since he doesn't like to bother her and make her feel like how she feels doesn't matter.
He likes how an old black and white movie feels when it's playing. He also likes playing the original Three Stooges shorts.

Ash actually helps Eve keep her hair styled and even cuts it for her. He actually likes to cut her hair for her. To him, it helps him bond with Eve since they can spend time talking, and it also lets him hone his skills with his non-flesh hand.

Ash likes to be pampered, so he loves it when Eve treats him like a King. He of course also loves hearing her call him a King.


Jotaro of course adores Eve, so he tends to take great care of protecting Eve. He has gotten in a lot of fights with the people who bully her. Eve has had to help him with quite a few busted lips, black eyes, and broken and bloody noses.

Jotaro likes to go camping with Eve. He finds the aspect of them alone in the woods, making their food on a campfire, and sleeping in a nice tent romantic. He loves to have an excuse for them to cuddle without being interrupted.

Joey Wheeler:

Joey of course eats a lot, this is something that's pretty well known, but something that only Joey knows is that he loves to have an excuse to share his meals with Eve. Well, so long as the meals are bigger.
He loves to buy them each a burger, then buy them a big milkshake and share it with Eve. He once kissed her after she took a drink of her milkshake and liked the cream that was around her lips away.

Joey doesn't feel comfortable staying with his dad all the time, so he'll tend to sneak out and stay with Eve. Her Dad actually allows this after he finds out everything that Joey's been through. He's made amends with Joey and the gang anyways, so he doesn't want the poor kid in a bad household, especially not with how much Eve cares for him.

Joey has some mommy issues that deeply affect him despite him not actually admitting or acknowledging them. Though Eve has seen him breakdown quite a few times over his turmoil about his mother protecting his sister and not him. He just doesn't understand why he wasn't as loved as his sister.

Joey in a way wishes that he was still a kid, so he loves to watch Saturday morning cartoons with Eve. They're a huge comfort to him.

Joey of course calls Eve his Princess. He doesn't call her this because of her beauty; though she is gorgeous to him, but because of her kind heart. She reminds him of what a Princess should strive to be.

Michael Myers;

Michael really enjoys just cuddling Eve. If he's a bear, then she's his teddy bear. He loves to pull her between his legs, wrap his arms around her and cuddle her.

Michael learned to make cupcakes and cookies for Eve. He got tired of always hiding out and lazing around, so he decided to try his hand at baking,

Michael once killed a man that he found out was stalking Eve. Compared to most his other kills, this one actually seemed slow and torturous.

Michael is extremely possessive over Eve. He hates when people touches her without her permission. If they overstep their boundaries, he will step in as quickly as needed and make sure the person leaves his Eve alone.

Michael is of course a violent and silent killer, but if he doesn't want to talk to Eve, he will communicate to her through gestures.

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