// Different Phases //

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-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Here's the chapter you asked for! I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Oh, by the way, the song in the header is just a random one I like and is unrelated to Eve x Karl. I actually think it could actually be an accurate depiction of Kiku x Slade in Scream based on the conversational aspect of the song and how the two characters are talking so contrastingly, along with how Slade's own darkness would influence him, though it's totally fine if you think of a different ship, or don't agree! Though I do think it could make for an interesting roleplay.

 I actually think it could actually be an accurate depiction of Kiku x Slade in Scream based on the conversational aspect of the song and how the two characters are talking so contrastingly, along with how Slade's own darkness would influence him,...

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I'm taking some inspiration from the horror film "Ginger Snaps" for these.

New Moon:

During the New Moon, Karl is at his weakest but is also quite peaceful. With the moon not being quite visible, it doesn't hold as strong of an influence over him or his actions. It's easiest for him to concentrate and focus his energy. He's most productive during this time.

During this phase, outside of focusing on building and working, he just likes to recline with Eve in a big chair and relax with her. He's most likely to just pull her in his lap and nuzzle her during this phase of the moon.

Waxing Crescent:

During this phase, I can imagine Karl beginning to prepare for the coming phases that will affect him worse. This phase is like a precursor to the others.

Around this time, his facial hair will start to grow a tad faster. He'll start to trim his bear more often. His head hair will become messier, but still manageable. The hair that's typically less noticeable; chest hair, knuckle hair, arm hair, etc, will start to become more noticeable. During this phase though it'll merely be darker than it'd normally be.

Due to these changes, he'll be rather tired for those days during those moon phases. He'll sleep in more and be rather irritable if Eve wakes him up.

Eve can expect to be pulled into bed with him rather often and forced to cuddle.

First Quarter:

Around this phase of the moon, his hair will not only be growing darker and quicker but will be growing thicker as well, similar to the winter coat of an animal. Brushing his hair will be met with cussing that Eve will undoubtedly hear from their bedroom. His hair will be much harder to brush and tangle far faster than normal. He'll often have to start shaving at least once a day.

He'll also start to have his canines become more prominent, becoming more like the canine teeth of a wild animal. This will cause him pain in the gums and jaw; since he's not yet able to transform, his jaw isn't accomodating the new structure and room needed, that'll dampen his mood and make him quicker to lash out.

Eve is typically used as a pillow around this period since he'll want to be comforted and pampered. He'll often lay his head against her chest, trying to quell the pain by focusing on the beating of her heart, the one thing that motivates him to endure this pain and not just end it.

Waxing Gibbous:

This is the time that is most dangerous to be around Karl. While he isn't yes transforming, this is actually a con since he's forced to deal with pains his body isn't able to adjust to.

His nails have become elongated and pointed. This breaks the skin around the tips of his fingers and causes irritability in Karl since he can't even attempt to work on his projects without pain shooting throughout the broken flesh around his fingers. The constant bending and flexing of his fingers reopen the wounds, resulting in constant mumbles of cusses and whines.

He'll often have to hold ice or warm rags to his jaw to ease the pain of the enlarged canine teeth. He'll eat less around this phase since he doesn't enjoy the pain the chewing causes, and especially doesn't like the taste of blood in his mouth that's caused by the canine teeth ripping his gums.

His hair becomes nearly non-manageable in this phase, prompting him to give upon brushing it until after the full moon. He has to shave around three times a day. He hates it. He ruins the razors he's using and needs at least two per shave.

He also; to his irritants and embarrassment, begins to grow a fleshy little tail around this time. He tends to tape it down or tie it to his leg to avoid the fact it wags from being noticeable.

Karl typically makes Eve visit and stay with Salvatore during this phase to avoid taking out his anger on her.

Full Moon:

This is of course when Karl is transformed.

During the days, he spends his time sleeping since his nightly transformations leave him far too exhausted to stay awake.

He puts on some weight during this phase since he's eating more food that when he's no longer transformed, his human body can't quite digest quickly, resulting in a weight gain. Though this doesn't really bother him.

What bothers him is the fact he can't remember the carnage he causes when transformed. When he wakes up the next day, he's always left wondering if the blood on him is animal or human, and if it's human, who's life had he ended?

Waning Gibbous:

Karl is utterly exhausted during this phase of the moon. It's the first phase after he's finally stopped having to transform. He's finally able to just relax and lay back.

Feeling rough after the days of transformations, he admittedly is a bit sick during this phase of the moon.

He'll often have Eve make him soup and read him to sleep, taking pleasure and comfort in more relaxing means. His inventions and experiments take a back seat for once. He also finds it easier to eat soups and liquids during this phase since his teeth and the rest of his body is still reverting back to normal

Third Quarter:

Around this phase of the moon, Karl is finally starting to physically return fully back to normal. In particular, his little tail and mouth will be back to normal, and the cuts on his hands will have finally begun healing up.

Since his jaw doesn't hurt quite as much, he'll be able to eat normally again. Due to this, he'll have a rather large appetite due to him having been eating lighter meals during the previous phases.

Let's just say that Eve's cooking skills get the chance to be on full display during this phase.

Waning Crescent:

This phase is probably the one the second most relaxed, second only to the new moon. Karl will be rather subdued and relaxed, focusing a lot on his inventions and experiments. He won't be as energetic as it could be described during the new moon, but he will be calm and focused. His body will still be feeling some of the effects of the previous phases, but this just brings on a soft feeling of calm sleepiness.


Eclipses are rather unpredictable. They'll make Karl a lot more spontaneous since to an extent, they'll combine different elements from the phases of the moons, making a more erratic personality for Karl.

The most prominent though is that he'll want to sleep more often and his hair will be completely unruly.


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