// Witches Brew //

15 1 5

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
This chapter is actually inspired by a film; or two actually, that I remember loving when I was younger. This being "Scary Godmother". I was watching this old Halloween cartoon, and watching it made me think of Scary Godmother, which lead to me thinking of a rather cute idea.
We don't have to RP it unless you think it'd be fun; since I don't want to make you do an RP you might not enjoy, but I wanted to share it since I thought it might be an idea you'd find sweet. I honestly think it could make for an RP that could indulge both childish whims and adult fun.

AU: A Scream AU of sorts.

Ship: Kiku x Charlie - Platonic (Romantic ships are included, but more elaborated on in the scenario.)


The little boy was born in October. His favorite cartoon was Scooby-Doo. He even had an innocent love of slashers because of his brother. His brother even told him that he was named after "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown", though admittedly, he had a feeling his brother was just messing with him. It didn't change the fact that it made Halloween all the more special to him.
Yet, Halloween; his favorite Holiday, was always somehow ruined for the little guy.

He loved Halloween. He loved to dress up. He even dressed up as Ghostface when he was three years old because his big brother told him he'd look really cute dressed up in such a costume. This year though, he was dressing up as Scooby-Doo. He had picked the costume, and he was so proud of it. He was so excited for Halloween this year, it was going to be great, he just knew it.

Well, he thought it'd be great 'til his big brother announced that since he was stuck babysitting his little brother, Charlie wouldn't be trick or treating this year, instead, he'd be going with Billy to a party at his best friend Stu's place. Charlie was upset and even started crying, but he knew big brother Billy wouldn't give in, even if he threw a tantrum, so eventually, he just agreed to avoid his older brother's bad temper. Maybe the party wouldn't be so bad?

At first, he thought that he was right, that the party wouldn't be so bad, especially when a lot of the other partygoers kept calling him adorable and asking where Shaggy was. Admittedly, the little boy had wanted Stu to dress as Shaggy since he thought he looked a lot like him, but Stu said no. That didn't stop the witty six-year-old from saying that Shaggy was hosting the party and that Freddy was who drove him. While the party-goers found it cute, Billy and Stu didn't, and soon used the excuse that the little guy shouldn't be around alcohol and made him stay in the kitchen. The Kitchen was devoid of party-goers since all the beer was kept in the garage.

At first, he sulked to himself. He hated that his brother and Stu were having a great time, but all he was allowed to do was sit on a wooden chair and drink soda pop until Billy decided to either go home or have them crash at Stu's.

Through his tears though, he noticed a flickering light that seemed to beckon to him. He soon decided to follow the light. While he knew it was dangerous, he just didn't care. If he wasn't allowed to have fun at the party, he'd make his own Halloween adventure! Well, he hoped. He was really hoping he wasn't following a light that led to a creep in a dark car like his brother, father, and Stu always warned him about.

He managed to creep out without anyone noticing. A bunch of twenty-something-year-olds of course were a lot taller than a six-year-old, so he was able to avoid their sight pretty well.

He found that the light; which was a floating Jack-O-Lantern, lead him to an old house that Stu said hadn't been lived in since before he was born.

Curious, the little boy opened the front door but was met with nothing. That was until a big black spider jumped down into his face, causing the boy to emit a small shriek, afraid the thing would bite him if he made a sudden move. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping that when he opened his eyes, the spider would be gone.

Before he knew what was happening, he was swept up into someone's arms, prompting him to open his eyes. Though he let out a little squeak at what he saw. A short and chubby girl was holding him. She was dressed like a witch, and both she and Charlie were levitating off the ground. The spider was gone though.

With a little giggle, the girl hugged the boy tight and exclaimed she was his Scary Godmother before she lowered them to the ground, nuzzling the adorable child.

A bit weary, the boy asked her to prove she was what she said she was. In response, the girl cast a few harmless light spells that cast pumpkins, skeletons, vampires, and werewolves on the walls in an array of colors.

Feeling content, the boy relaxed, though inquired why he had a Scary Godmother. The girl explained that children who were lonely and had the spirit of Halloween had one assigned to them when they needed one most. She'd be there year-round for him, but her magic was at its strongest on Halloween.

That was the start of the greatest Halloween that the little boy had ever had so far. The woman even had some of her fellow monster friends come over to play with him. He got all the candy he wanted; though like a mother the girl only let him have a bit and could have the rest over time, he was complimented on his costume, he got to dance to all the Halloween songs he wanted and even sing along, and the adults weren't drinking or ignoring him. He was happy.

By the time the party winded down, only two monsters remained. His Scary Godmother; who he found out was named Kiku, and a Werewolf by the name of Slade. The Werewolf was only partially transformed with just his ears and tail out. He noticed that the Werewolf was really close to his Scary Godmother, even calling her his Kitten affectionately. It made him wonder if the man was dating his Scary Godmother, or just had a really obvious crush on her that she was oblivious to. Which, if that was the case, in turn was complemented by the very obvious crush she had on the Werewolf who was just as oblivious.

When the boy started to grow tired, he let out a little yawn. Noticing this, Kiku said she and Slade; Sladey as she called him, would read him a bedtime story. When he woke up, he'd be back where he was supposed to be, but all he had to do was say her name and she'd come to him. Groggily the boy mumbled that Slade; or Wolfy as Charlie was calling him in his tired state, would come to.

Though as he was starting to fall asleep, he was startled awake when the front door to the home was slammed open. He soon heard his brother and Stu. It turned out that some outside security cameras had caught Charlie running off and had also caught where he was going.

Now, Charlie was promptly yanked from his Scary Godmother by his big brother who demanded to know what was going on, claiming the girl and the werewolf were creeps trying to kidnap his brother.

Very plainly, the girl said she was a Witch and Charlie's Scary Godmother, and that she was helping him have a nice Halloween. To this, Billy and Stu scoffed and demanded proof, claiming she looked too adorable to be a witch given her short height and more innocent looks. Similar to what happened with Charlie, she gave proof.

As a result of this, Billy turned his attention to Slade while Stu turned his attention to Kiku, all while Charlie tiredly watched on, hardly managing to keep awake.

Now, Stu began to flirt with the Witch, much to her embarrassment. Billy on the other hand yanked Slade's tail, which made the larger man growl. His growling grew even worse when he saw Stu flirting with Kiku, which quickly prompted him to yank the girl away from Stu rather irritably.

Now, at this, Billy and Stu both grinned because they had a feeling they had a fun night ahead given the secret they just discovered. After all, the Little Witch and the Big Bad Wold couldn't have them spilling their guts about everything, especially since that might make Charlie lose his Scary God Mother. The two would just have to give them a good night, even if it did make the Big Bad Wolf jealous.

Charlie, on the other hand, fell asleep on a nearby couch, using the cloak his Scary Godmother had given him as a blanket, murmuring an innocent "Mommy" in his sleep, happy to have a Scary Godmother who he had a feeling would become something more.

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