// Scary Godmother AU - Extended //

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I thought it'd be nice to make a bit of an expansion on this AU since we both found it really cute. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!

AU: Scary Godmother AU

Ship: Multicharacter Chapter(This chapter will have imagines of the characters interacting with each other and not just Kiku)



Kiku absolutely adores the child she was assigned to be the Scary Godmother of. She treats him like he's her own son, and given that his own mother isn't in the picture, Charlie enjoys this and considers the young Witch the mother he never had.

Charlie and Billy probably tease each other a lot. Charlie's intentions are far more innocent than his brother's though. Charlie legitimately wants to make Billy laugh, but often enough, Billy will get irritable with his baby brother and get a bit malicious with his teasing and jokes. He tends to regret this when Charlie starts crying.
After Charlie has Kiku, he'll call for her after he starts crying, and Billy tends to get the surprise zap in the arm when the girl appears behind him. This makes Charlie giggle since he finds it funny that the short woman can make his big brother jump.

Charlie probably likes the dynamic that eventually forms between Kiku and his big brother. He likes that she can get him to calm his temper and actually spend time with him. He has a feeling that the Witch somehow made herself a soft spot in his brother's heart.

Charlie probably summons Kiku on her birthday. He doesn't do so to be mean though. He wants Kiku, Slade, Billy, and Stu to all spend the day together. He also likes to do this for his birthday and Halloween.
He probably convinces Billy or Stu if he crashed there, to help him make a birthday cake. Depending on the boy helping, the cake could be great or terrible depending on the cooking skills they have.

Charlie probably likes when Slade comes with Kiku to see him, which is the majority of the time. He likes when Slade picks him up since Slade is the tallest person he knows with Stu being a close second.

Kiku calls Charlie her little Char-Char.

One day Charlie will manage his dream of his big brother dressing as Freddy and Stu as Shaggy for Halloween. He will make this happen, he is just too determined.

Kiku is his Mommy. He doesn't care what anyone else says. She's always there for him, even taking care of him when he doesn't call.

All Charlie has to do to be picked up by Kiku or Slade is walk up to them, raise his arms up and say "Up". The two love the little guy and are more than willing to carry him. Kiku tends to top this off with a kiss on the cheek.

Kiku has a picture of Charlie that Billy gave her of the little one dressed as a Pumpkin for his first-ever Halloween. She cherishes this picture so much that she kissed Billy's cheek when he gifted it to her.


Billy does love his little brother, but given their big age difference, the little guy does tick him off. He likes to go out and party with Stu, he likes to get drunk from time to time, and well he's young and horny, he likes to hook up. Though ever since meeting a certain Witch, he has cooled down on this quite a bit.
He likes that he has breaks for himself more often now that the Witch and the Werewolf are around. He's actually happier to spend time with Charlie now since it's not forced like it used to be.

He has a really bad habit of yanking Slade's tail when the Werewolf isn't acknowledging him. This has led to him being lightly whacked upside the head a few times after he pulled too hard. He still can't help but laugh when Slade growls at him.
He knows when to stop, he just doesn't because he likes to get his way.

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