//Aesthetic Roleplay Imagines //

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Sorry if the tag is bothersome at all. I thought it could be interesting to write some roleplay imagines for Kiku that are more aesthetic-based, mainly based on some songs that have that feel. I kinda like to add an aesthetic feel to our RPs since I feel like it adds a dreaminess to them.

Some of these border on mature, but nothing intense.

If any of these roleplay ideas particularly interest you, we could try them out. I'd really love to hear what ideas here you particularly like.

When it comes to this song, it makes me think of the Scream version of Kiku in particular.

Kiku is kinda in the background for this version of her since she's not a spotlight character. She's not an intended victim. She's just the babysitter to Charlie. Though through this, she sees so much more.

She sees how everything changes. She's also a constant for Billy and Stu despite not being their girlfriend.  She's always there. She's there to hear them out, to talk to them. And when they don't need her, she's just in the background. Her music always seems to be constantly at play as she's taking care of little Charlie.
She sees them come and go, she's just always there, watching. To some extent to them, she's just there for them. She always liked Stu, and she seemed to hold a tenderness for Billy, so to them, she'll always be their one constant. Her, her music, and her dark eyes on them. Even if all they did was lead her on.

She likes them a lot, ya know?

But just imagine, one day, they come home. Stu's there to hang out with Billy of course.

They enter the home, the lights are dimmed, and like usual, her music playing as it usually did.

Charlie's in bed, that much Billy is certain of. If he wasn't he'd of ran up to hug Billy. And he was also certain that the song the babysitter had playing wouldn't be.

When Billy catches up with Stu, he notices the taller man has his eyes locked on where the girl should be. So of course Billy peeks over.

On the couch is more than just Kiku. With her is Slade, a boy who quickly made a reputation for himself when he moved to town. Billy had admired the man, and Stu was somewhat unnerved or afraid of him.
The two are locked in a passionate kiss, his hands on her hips, her hands in his hair, and her in his lap. Her dress was hitched up a bit.

Neither boy can really tear their eyes away, intently watching the two despite knowing it was wrong, maybe even perverse. It reminded them of how she always watched them. Maybe it even excites them.

Though soon enough, Slade senses their presence and raises his head, a string of saliva connecting him and his girlfriend. Though rather than being angered, he's actually quite smug.

It's not his Kitten watching, ignored, it's them. And god, just seeing how the two watched with glazed eyes, them watching how they watched what was his pant at his touch, hair messy, lips swollen from their kiss, how they couldn't take their eyes off her, it amused him.

Maybe she was more than just the babysitter. And maybe they were too excited by watching.

(This one ^ is the most mature, but I think the premise is pretty interesting)

Supposedly unrequited love, but the side of it that's more than just the sadness.

Kiku laying in bed at night, eyes closed, imagining that the blanket she has around her is the man she's desperately in love with.

Her listening to everything he has to say, how his relationships are going, and him telling her all the fun things he's doing with someone else, what they'll never do. What she imagines them doing late at night when she's trying to sleep and needs a little imagine on her mind to help her float off to sleep.

The unrequited love helping her to bed when she's overtired, wrapping her up in her blanket, taking her shoes off her, his touch lingering a few moments too long. Her finding comfort in his lingering smell, wanting to just drown in it.

Her not seeing him for months or even a few years, yet once seeing him again, she's just as much in love with him as she was before. And all she wants to do is run into his arms and kiss him, see her lipstick on his lips.

Kiku surrounded by darkness and slowly embracing it herself.

Everything starts out normal. The people she's surrounded by, they seem normal.

Though as she grows closer to them, the darkness begins to show through. As if slowly piercing through bit by bit in increasingly growing holes.

She ignores it a first, but soon she can't.

She finds herself peaking in at the horror occuring. Growing increasingly excited with what she sees. Something about the grotesque beauty of it all drawing her in.

In the end, she accepts it when she's offered an already bloody knife. Though rather than applying the final stab, she licks the blood off the blade.

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