// "Let's party!" //

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ShimadaWife / -_CookieCat_-
I know you were having a bit of a rough day, and your Barbie and Ken post kinda gave me an idea.
So, to give you a little comfort, I wanted to flesh out some imagines for the ships I mentioned. I hope these make your day a little better. <3

Original Imagines:

Eve x Mykie - I know we don't RP this much anymore, but the pictures gave me Eve x Mykie vibes. Like, Mykie is the goofball who just wants to have fun, and Eve is a little more put-together and calm. I could imagine him roping her into something that gets her into trouble like this, and this being how they take their mugshots. Mykie probably takes her to the beach at random for photo shoots, uses any chance he gets to slip photos he took of her into the magazines he's working on, or them sneaking off during one of his photo shoots, and him taking photos of Eve every time she smiles, or giggles, or does something cute until he gets in trouble for having snuck off. 

Eve x Johnny - You can't tell me that Johnny doesn't rope Eve into everything he wants a partner in crime for.I can imagine Johnny telling her that they're just going out to have some fun, and he ropes her into all kinds of stuff. And while yeah, they get in trouble, Eve legit has so much fun that she can't even be mad at him. They probably crash parties they weren't invited to, sneak off when they aren't needed on set and come back giggling and laughing, and probably get drunk in Johnny's limo and take joyrides around town, stopping for ice cream, and cookies, maybe attending a concert they saw that looked good.

Eve x Joey - I feel like Eve, having grown more accustomed to a more prim and proper life as the adopted daughter of Pegasus, that somewhat like Seto, she isn't as into having fun as much anymore. Joey though, doesn't want to see her become this prim proper Princess. He wants her to be a Princess that defies all the rules, that goes out, makes her own adventures, and doesn't need a Prince to save her, but wants a Prince who'll be by her side. Yeah, they'll get into a lot of trouble, probably with Pegasus, but once the trouble subsides, they just go back to what they were doing before. They probably sneak into carnivals that were shut down for the night and hide out in the mall overnight, Joey probably helps her sneak out at night just so they can get some fast food.

Eve x Yamcha - I imagine they probably get themselves into lots of trouble together, but, this is actually a good thing. Due to their strong insecurities, they end up finding a lot of comfort in one another and just have fun together. Sometimes they do things they shouldn't, but they have so much fun and feel so much more confident than either had in years, that it's all worth it in the end. Like, they probably sneak into the ballparks after hours, play pranks on the Z fighters and Yamcha's teammates, and so much more.


Mykie x Eve:

Mykie will convince Eve to wear clothing articles or makeup that he's been having to take pictures of girls wearing for his job. He will literally give her these big puppy eyes and pull her close, begging her to just try it.
What happens when she finally agrees? He sneaks pictures of hers when she's in these cute aesthetic-looking poses, and then, he submits at least one in with the photos of the models, just so he can see her face looking back at him in a magazine.
Has he lost a few jobs because of this? Yep! Does he care? Nope! All he cares about is her realizing just how beautiful she is to him.

If there's more than one hired photographer on set and Mykie is left waiting with Eve by his side, he'll sneak her off and pull out his phone and start taking pics of her in front of some currently unused sets, and start taking pictures of her.
He'll tell her jokes to get her to laugh, tickle her and take a selfie with her while she's giggling, and just kiss her cheeks, nuzzle her, and screw around taking photos with her until he's called to get to work.

Eve probably taking pictures of Mykie while he's working, just wanting to keep some pics of him being so intently focused on his craft.
Probably even keeps one of these photos as her screensaver, and eventually, Mykie notices and gets all flustered and embarrassed.
Mykie has a picture of Eve nibbling on a cookie as his screensaver.

Eve x Johnny:

Johnny getting drunk because it's one of his bad days, and finds out one of his cast mates had a party he wasn't invited to.
He drags Eve to the closest clothing store, buys these really not matching outfits, and drags her to the party, crashing it with her.
They both get drunk and eventually get kicked out, but Johnny doesn't even care.
After they're kicked out, Johnny takes her to a beach or lake just so they can talk and look at the beautiful water, watch the fish jump in and out of the water, and collect seashells or pretty pebbles.

Johnny will sneak Eve around the different sets and dressing rooms, letting her dress up in the clothes she had only ever dreamed of wearing, letting her pose and have fun on the sets.
He'll even take out his phone and take pictures of her, putting filters on them to make her look like an old-timey starlet.
He once dressed her in this beautiful light blue suit, white hat, and red lipstick, and then curled her hair, which he took pictures of her in and even used as a picture of them in this outfit as a screensaver on his phone, with Cassie also in the pic.

Johnny will occasionally get drunk with Eve after they've both had a bad day on set. He will take her out around town, buy her ice cream, cookie, and cotton candy, and just cruise the town with her.
Usually, Eve will pass out before she gets home, so Johnny will take her home with him in his limo, carry her inside, and lay her in bed. Sometimes he'll even lay with her and hold her, enjoying how happy she seems to just be being held.

Eve x Joey:

Pegasus doesn't like Joey and Eve hanging out but will tolerate it for her sake. She does though, have a strict curfew.
Due to this, Joey will help Eve sneak in and out and take her out on little dates. Like, he'll sneak her out after she's complained that she's tired of all the same old stuff.
He'll take her out to his favorite fast-food place. It usually has an arcade that he'll spend hours with her at, playing two-player games with her.

Joey will convince Eve that it's totally fine for them to sneak into an abandoned carnival that is still in good shape, and activate the rides. He'll even bring snacks with them to enjoy.
For hours, he'll play around at this carnival with her, riding the carousel with her, the Ferris wheel, even setting up the games and pretending to be the game host, even rewarding her the abandoned plushes as her prize for the game.

Photo booths. If he sees a photo booth, he and Eve have to take pictures. His favorite filter to use is one that adds crowns on them.
And he always ends the pictures by kissing her in some way. Though he always tries to do it differently. A kiss on the cheek, neck, shoulder, forehead, etc.

Joey's background on his phone is a picture of Eve dressed as an adventurer Princess while he's kissing her cheek.

Eve x Yamcha:

Yamcha will help Eve pull pranks on Vegeta. He loves helping her out with these pranks, especially just to see Vegeta so frustrated and pissed off.
If Vegeta starts to pick up on Eve pranking him, he'll say he did it just to keep her from getting chewed out by him.

He loves her to sneak her into the ballpark, just so they can toss the ball back and forth, wrestle with each other, and talk.
He'll even just lay with her and look up at the stars, talking to her while they hold hands. He has a charm bracelet that has baseball charms, but also a bird charm and a dragon ball charm on it, that he gave to her. When they lay together and talk, he fiddles his fingers on it.

 They will spend nights after Yamcha has games, kissing and cuddling. First, he'll take her out for either dinner or treats and then take her to the park. Sometimes even a playground that's closed for the night.
He loves to play with her and just see her smile. These nights usually end with a deep conversation where they hold each other close and kiss every so often, lay their heads on each other, and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Yamcha has a picture of Eve wearing one of his jerseys as his background. It was taken after he came home from a tour and found her drowsily waking up to the sound of the bedroom door, having been wearing his jersey he left there because it still smelled like him and she missed him.


I hope you enjoyed reading these!

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