// Comforting MK Imagines (Eve) //

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ShimadaWife / -_CookieCat_-
I wanted to do something nice for you since you're my best friend, and I wanted it to be a surprise, so I hope you enjoy these. ^^


Eve probably has to drink a lot of tea when she's on set with Johnny. He'll legit be so hard to keep up with that she needs a hell of a lot of caffeine just to keep herself on schedule.
By the end of the day though, the caffeine has worn off, and she's so tired, she falls asleep in Johnny's chair.
Johnny notices and has Eve driven home with him in his limo. He has a spare key to her house and puts her to bed. Sometimes even putting her pajamas on her if she seems too hot, cold, or just uncomfortable.

Kinda a random one, but I imagine that at one point, Eve and Sonya had at least one date. Like, probably at a coffee shop. It was peaceful, they just sat and talked with one another, listening to the coffee shop music, and having this wholesome time together.
At the end of the date though, both probably get up to pay, and when they head back to their tables, they end up not looking and accidentally taking the other's drink.

I can imagine Eve being out with Kuai Liang during the winter and finding this really beautiful snowflake falling. She begs him to help her preserve and he agrees because those blue eyes of hers are too hard to resist.
He encases it in this little sphere and keeps it frozen for her until they can get home and put it in her freezer, making the sphere into a little frozen snowglobe even.

Raiden helping Eve with her fear of rain. He probably walks her through different intensities of rain and storms while they're sat in front of a cozy fireplace, some classical music playing, with Raiden playing with her hair.
He probably even made her hot cocoa and cookies.

Fujin playing with Eve by using the wind to lift her, letting her feel something akin to the sensation of flying or levitation.
He'll suddenly drop her though... Only to catch and kiss her.

Eve asking Shang to perform some type of spell to make her prettier because she feels insecure. He does so, but for the rest of the day, takes her out to have fun. He doesn't let her look in the mirror or see her reflection though
She gets so many compliments with her newfound confidence, and she finally feels as she never had before.
When they get home, she finally gets to look in the mirror, only to find she doesn't look any different past the glowing smile she has.
Shang then hugs her from behind, admitting he said some made-up mumbo jumbo, and that the entire day, the beauty she was complimented on came from her being unapologetically herself.

Jackie, Cassie, Takeda, and Kung-Jin as kids, just hardcore shipping "Grandma Eve and Grandpa Raiden".
Probably makes them pasta out of playdoh, and sets up a re-enactment of the Lady and the Tramp.
Them leaving a toy out for Eve to trip on when Raiden's near so he has to catch her in his arms.
One of them getting a scratch and demanding that both Grandma and Grandpa help, just so they have to be face to face and might kiss.
Them hanging a drawing of mistletoe up on the highest space they can get to, and as soon as Grandma and Grandpa walk by, they all scream "Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

Eve and Kuai having their first child, and Hanzo, having been a dad, helping them through the woes they're experiencing. Either he becomes a second father to the child or the fun uncle that they go crying to when they can't get their way with mommy and daddy.

Eve getting drunk with Fujin after a rough day, and them sharing a surprisingly fun first date despite being so intoxicated, just by running around and having fun around town. They probably went to a thrift store and got what they thought were the coolest outfits in their drunken minds, only for the outfits to be totally goofy.
The date definitely ends with a sloppy kiss that nearly sobers them both up.
Bo Rai Cho probably set them up by the way because he knew his drinking buddy has a thing for Eve.


I hope you liked these imagines! If there are any of your own you'd like to share, for either Eve or Kiku, I'd love to hear/read them!

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