// "It's plain to see, I'm just the extra as he takes the lead" //

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I thought it could be interesting to make some imagines for Kiku x Jude in Hellsing since I find the concept of Jude having also known her in the past rather interesting. I've also wanted to write for the two and the Hellsing RP we were doing with Jude helped to give me the inspiration I was previously lacking.

Feel free to add anything to these since I'd love to know what you personally want to see as well.

Like the Alucard chapter; a new version will eventually be written, this will be split as Kiku x Lyko*The name she called Jude in the past* and Kiku x Jude.

Anyways, onto the imagines!

Kiku x Lyko:

Jude likely never revealed himself to Kiku likely for a few different reasons. Though one could assume it was to keep her safe. As the lover to Vladimir, he likely feared that if Kiku was caught meeting with another man she may be accused of having an affair, and due to the religious views Vladimir had during that time, it was possible she could have been executed, and given the sickening methods he used, Jude wouldn't have wanted to see that just so he could be who he truly was.
It's also of course possible that Jude may have held some feelings for the woman since he knew her better than likely anyone and he may have feared that he'd give into these feelings and possibly end up causing her to be hurt, or even himself being rejected. 

It's speculated that Jude was the first Lycanthrope, or during that time Lykanthropos, but he will not speak on the matter. It's unknown how he became one, but if he truly is the first, one could assume he had done something similar to Vladimir, forsaking God and committing a terrible taboo, likely out of desperation to live when faced with death.

Jude was Kiku's dearest friend during this time despite him never appearing to her as a human. He always listened to her and took care of her. She was his release in her own right since he didn't have to be more than he wanted to be. He could lay his head in her lap, fall asleep and forget the world all while she was petting his head and praising how beautiful of a wolf he was.

Jude was very gentle with Kiku. He allowed her to sleep against him, cuddle him, and walk by his side. He wanted her to feel safe with him and trust him. He was likely afraid that if he allowed any of his wolf instincts to take over that she'd be afraid of him, especially if he accidentally bit her.
He also knew that if Vladimir found out that she was hurt, a hunt for the wolf that hurt her likely would have ensued and he likely would have had his long lifespan cut short. After all, he would have had to reveal what he was to plead for his life and this would have ended just as much in death since he'd been seen as an ungodly creature.

Kiku and Jude slept together a lot. Jude liked having someone to curl up to since it meant he wasn't alone. There were times Kiku would wake up to Jude licking her head, causing her to burst into giggles and squeaks as she'd hug him, wrapping her arms around his thick muscled shoulders. She often told him "I love you" since she did love her friend Lyko.

Jude never showed himself to Kiku when transformed into a werewolf since it'd of revealed his inhuman nature and he feared he'd lose her friendship. At the time, he didn't know that the name Kiku had bestowed on him was one that revealed she believed him to be more than a common wolf.
Jude never wanted her to see him as ugly or fearful. This is possibly another reason he never showed himself as he truly was, his red and black eyes being a giveaway that he wasn't human.

Despite this, the shadows of a wolf-like man could be seen when Kiku went out during a full moon. Most who saw these horrifying shadows believed that she was being stalked by a creature that hated her master or husband and wanted to kill her to hurt him. Instead, it was the opposite, this was merely Jude protecting his dear friend.

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