// Just a Crush *AU* //

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Sorry if the tag is a bother, but I wanted to write this chapter lightly/loosely inspired by a horror film that I enjoy that I think could make for an interesting AU. The film can be seen in the MV above.

This chapter doesn't have a set love interest, so, I'd like you to leave in the comments below who you want the LI to be. This can be an OC or a canon character, so don't feel restricted when it comes to picking the LI. I was thinking that the best options would likely be Slade, Jude, Billy, Stu, or maybe Corey if any help deciding a character is needed.
Also, please feel free to add your own ideas to this chapter. I'd love to hear what you'd like to see added.

This is the AU I mentioned having trouble writing in PM, by the way.


LI moves into a new neighborhood after getting the job he had always been after. For him, this is the start of something new, something he always wanted. Even the house he moved into, it's everything he had always wanted.
It's as if everything has finally come together for him.

Near immediately after moving into his home, he meets one of his new neighbors, a younger woman. She immediately has a piqued interest in him. Something he finds out when he catches her surveying him from her yard next door before quickly ducking away when he noticed her. He finds it humorous, but completely harmless.

Eventually, they become formally introduced when he ends up finding out they have connected yards. Before he moved in, she used to read, listen to music, and do some other activities under a big tree in his yard since she liked the shade it provided her.
He caught her doing this but was unbothered since it was inherently harmless. He sat with her and talked to her, learning a bit more about her and her about him. He gave her permission to come in his yard when she so pleased so she could sit under the tree, in turn, she gave him permission to come in her yard whenever he liked.

It doesn't take the man a long time to find out that the girl isn't the most social. She's rather shy and seems self-conscious. She usually keeps to herself, but whenever she sees him, she immediately goes to talk to him and hang out with him, even if he has friends over.
He sometimes finds it annoying, but he can't find it in himself to tell her to back off a bit. She seems rather lonely and he doesn't want to become just another person she avoids because she feels like a nuisance.
But she seems to keep pushing closer and closer to him as if all her time was dedicated to him and him alone.

One day, he has a small party for himself and his friends at work. It's in his backyard and under the moonlight. Given that the girl's yard conjoins to his, she ends up coming over during the party to see him.
LI though is a bit irked since she seems to just constantly push closer and closer to him. Perhaps out of spite at her coming over uninvited during a work party, he spends the night avoiding and ignoring her. Even when she attempts to get his attention, he ignores her. At one point, he noticed she was on the verge of tears, but he holds his resolve. He has to set up boundaries and make it clear there are certain lines she shouldn't cross.
As the party begins to die down, he plans to find the girl and talk to her about this, but she had already left. The last time he could recall seeing her was when he'd been talking to another girl.

For the next few days, LI waits for the girl to come over, but she seems to have secluded herself to some extent. Maybe he'd been a little harsh? No, that wasn't true. She had to respect his boundaries and space.
Eventually, he caught her outside in her yard, putting some food out for a stray cat that seemed to linger between their two yards.
He pushed open the gate that conjoined their yards and headed over to see her. Having not heard him, she was startled when he grasped her shoulder to garner her attention. She attempted to smile sweetly at him, but he wasn't having it.
After pulling the girl to her feet, he sternly told her that she needed to respect his boundaries and not bother him so much, that he had a life outside of being her neighbor, and that he had friends that he didn't want her constantly pestering. And that unless he said else wise, anything related to his work was off limits since her stunt at his party had made him look bad.
The girl had choked up a bit and was teary, but she just squeaked out a meek agreement and nodded.
The second he let her go, she went inside, seemingly shaken up. He knew what he said was a bit harsh, but it was the truth, she needed to give him space and respect the boundaries he had set up.

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