// Hellsing Idea/Imagine //

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I wanted to tag you since this is an idea/imagine set, that I think you might like too.

Universe: Hellsing







This idea still follows our established versions of Kiku, Slade, Jude, and of course Alucard, but offers a fun little twist.

First off, imagine this song from the POV of Slade and Alucard, not from Kiku's. She'd be the submissive partner to put it that way.

Slade and Alucard both hold deep affection for Kiku, so when it comes to her working missions, they refuse to let her get hurt, even if as a Vampire created by Alucard, she should be able to handle her own.

In that case, Kiku works on the more elaborate missions with them where they go undercover. Alucard usually dressing as a businessman, and Slade having his own disguise.

One may wonder, why only have her work more elaborate missions if they don't want her getting hurt? Well, that's because she's not thrust into immediate danger and can be easier kept an eye on. She can also be used to advance a mission.

In particular, Kiku may be used to lure perverse vampires and other supernatural beings into a sense of security. Her short height, innocent appearance, etc, may be enough to get the vampire or other being to drop their guard and go off with her.
Thinking that they'll get to create a ghoul without drawing attention, and unaware she's actually a vampire herself, they'll likely think they'll have sex with her then attack her.

This doesn't happen though. Lurking around is either Slade, Alucard, or both. And the second the person shows their ill intent, they're either devoured or ripped apart by the two.

After this, her act is usually praised, and she's usually rewarded with affection as reassurance that she's okay given that these situations are dangerous.

Now, imagine, one day they go on one of these missions, and Kiku's quietly sipping an alcohol free drink, playing her part as she usually does.

A businessman approaches her and she ends up going back to her room with him, just as she usually does.

Things don't go as planned though, but not in a bloody sense.

The businessman is exceedingly gentle with her, and if above anything, is actually loving and sweet, playing with her hair, praising her, and only very gently touching her, such as resting a hand on her knee, caressing her cheek, or grazing a thumb against her bottom lip.

The reason this man is being gentle and respectful? He's Jude, he's a gentleman, and he's the only other man as old as Alucard who knew this woman in her past life and loved her. But he had known her in a different form, thus why there was absolutely no way she'd actually recognize him.

Whoever accompanied Kiku on this mission, whether it was Alucard, Slade, or both, can sense this man isn't human, but can tell he obviously means no harm to Kiku, which prompts them to reveal themselves to figure out what exactly is going on here.

Bonus points if Jude's just like "Why does this always happen?", all while Kiku is just kicking her legs at the end or side of the bed, playing with the tie from his suit, which he had let her take off because she thought it was pretty, and after years of not seeing her, missing her, he just couldn't tell her no.
Better yet, she might be sitting on Jude's lap and playing with the tie, just having fun while Jude's embarrassed, and Alucard/Slade/Both, is trying to figure this situation out, and probably jealous because she's so comfortable in Jude's lap.


Feel free to add anything you'd like to this idea. Also feel free to tell me what you think of it! I kinda want to try out this AU.

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