// A Survivor's Sickness //

21 1 4

-Ink_Ribbon- / -SilentEvil-
Here's the chapter for Kiku x Danny. I'm making the chapter without the influence/added aspect of Kiku x Billy, so this will be a more original depiction of their ship.

AU: None

Ship: Kiku x Danny(Dead by Daylight)


After becoming a Yandere, Kiku will occasionally use a phone similar to Danny, after sabotaging another survivor in some way, she might take a photo and send it to him, asking him "Now you'll always love me, right? I did this for you."

She's a harmless Yandere in the sense she won't actually kill or cause direct harm. Instead, she's more likely to cause harm to herself, such as by sabotaging a generator when working with another survivor, intentionally getting hurt so another survivor helps her, etc.
She only does this in rounds with Danny since she works only with him. A Yandere typically focuses only on one objection of obsession at a time after all.
After these rounds though, the girl will demand constant affection and attention since she only gets hurt to help him.
If it's one of the rounds where she lets Danny kill her because his victim count is low, she'll be even more demanding.

Before she becomes a Yandere dedicated to Danny, she's a pretty typical survivor, wearing a t-shirt, leggings, boots, and possibly a jacket.
After becoming a corrupted survivor as I'll call it, her outfit changes. She'll now wear a black dress, flats, and black heart-shaped sunglasses. This outfit likely seems like a bad one to wear given the exposed skin and darkened vision, but it actually fits the change in her character. Since she no longer cares if she's hurt, she won't have much concern about preserving herself. Her vision being darkened gives her an excuse to use when other survivors who have to help her begin to grow suspicious about her so often being clumsy.
A possible Valentine's outfit variation would be the classic red heart-shaped sunglasses, a red dress with a fluffy skirt that has sparkles and bell sleeves, light pinkish-red tights with red sparkle designs of hearts and swirls, and red mary janes, along with a red headband to finish the look. Her phone would also be customized with a sparkly red and light pink design of hearts that can be seen when she pulls out her phone for a picture.

Kiku will occasionally sneak kisses during rounds, lifting Danny's mask up and giving him a quick peck on the lips or cheek. This could actually be considered a boost for her since it'll make her feel all giddy and happy, giving her more motivation to please him, especially if it means getting more after a round ends.

Valentine's Day would be a particularly motivating day for her since it's supposed to be a day of love, after all, so this would motivate Kiku to do her best since as a Yandere, her motivation is having her object of obsession's love.
If she can make Danny happy on Valentine's Day, that means an extra special reward, right? She hopes so at least.

If Danny were to forget either Valentine's Day or their anniversary, Kiku would sulk and outright refuse to help him until he's made it up to her.
If she's feeling particularly upset, she'll help out another killer or survivor who's shown interest in her.(This could be a possible way to introduce another OC of yours into DBD; Slade, Jude, Josh, Ian, or a canon character, if you were to want to see how a multiship could work out.)

A possible backstory for Kiku is that she was a fan of Danny's writing and newspaper columns; or Jed as he went by at that time, and likely contacted him at some point, or likely a few points, requesting advice on how to improve her own writing. Laced in these letters would be words hinting at an already underlying romantic interest in him and obsessive mannerisms.
After he's discovered to be a killer, and Kiku's fan letters to him are seen and read, she's nearly killed by a grief-struck relative of one of his victims who misread the dates on one of her letters, confusing her romantic interest in him to be in the him who's been discovered to be a killer, leading the person to believe she's as sick as he is.
Being on death's door step and Danny not yet having a victim connected to him, she's taken by the entity.
This past connection to him could be a possible reason for him turning her into a yandere. He'd be able to manipulate pre-existing feelings for him and her anger over a near death she didn't deserve.
(I'd like to hear your opinion on this version of Kiku for DBD. I thought I'd try my hand at making a backstory since we've explored a backstory for Eve with the Oni.)

Unlike in the previous chapters, I didn't include a couples song since I don't really have one in mind, if you have one you'd like to share, I'd be happy to hear, if not, that's fine too.


These are my imagines for Kiku x Danny, if you'd like to add any of your own you've thought of, feel free to, I'd love to hear them since this is a newer ship.

Also, if you'd like to RP Kiku x Danny; since you seem pretty interested in this ship, I wouldn't mind doing so, especially if it'd help you get a better feel of the ship, just let me know.

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