// Morbid Mind and Idea //

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Sorry for the tag, something you said was partial inspiration for this chapter, so, I wanted to give credit. ^^

One thing I shall never deny is having a morbid mind and thought process. It doesn't really bother me.
But, sometimes, it will lead to little things giving me the horror-based ideas I tend to get. It certainly helps me to derive the more odd/creative ideas/scenarios I often have.

And that is what happened with this idea.
This being, the mention that my newest commissioned art piece looks like a mix of Sally and Emily's styles/vibes, and listening to "A Little Piece of Heaven" led to a rather odd Corpse Bride AU.

So, without further ado, here is the idea~

Ships: So, I actually had no ships in mind when developing this, but this would be a multi-ship scenario for Kiku, so, after reading the idea, you could say who you could see this being her with.


Happy endings are highly sought after, yet rarely attained, and when the woman believed that she had finally found her happy ending, it was cruelly ripped away from her. Yet, she wasn't even the corpse bride, at least she hadn't always been. In fact, she had begun in the role of Victor.

Yes, that was right, she had begun in the role of Victor. Engaged to a living man, and unintentionally married to a dead one.

And, she thought everything had worked out.
The corpse groom had told her to go back to the land of the living and be with the man she was engaged to, to live a full life.
He left her no argument, telling her he'd wait for her because he loved her and he knew she loved him and the other groom and would make them both happy. One in life, and one in death.
And she agreed, believing him.
Little did she know, the second she agreed, he had cemented the resolve that when she died, he'd make her afterlife horrible when she first arrived, because she was supposed to reject his offer and die for him because that would prove her devotion to him, that she loved him more than the man she was supposed to be with in the land of the living. Choosing to accept what he said and leave, just cemented to him that she had just used him.

Returning to the land of the living, she kept a little photo of her and her corpse groom, because really, she did love him, and departing from him hurt.

But, she had her love in the land of the living, and she'd see her corpse groom again. One day, perhaps in death, they'd all be happy. She believed they would.

When she met her living groom, he was happy to see her again, having been worried sick about her after learning of the corpse groom.
Though, that tenderness he held for her began to fade as she explained how the corpse groom had told her she should return to him, and how tenderly she held the one photo she had of them.
It made her living groom feel sick... She had grown tender for the man who had nearly forced her into marriage? She had to be sick in the head.

But, for the time, he bit his tongue, just happy to have her back, even if her love for the other man filled him with disgust and jealousy.
She was only supposed to be his.

For their first few months together, he was able to keep everything together, but he began to grow more and more angered and hateful towards the bride he once found to be his beautiful true love.
He hated how she talked fondly of the corpse groom, and how she believed that maybe one day, they could all be happy together because she worried that one was always hurting.
His breaking point came a few days before the wedding, when he came home and found the picture of her and the corpse groom framed and placed by the bed they'd soon be sharing. He hated it, it was sick, and he didn't want to look at it every night.

On the day of the wedding, he murdered his bride, having broken down and done so when he saw that the wedding dress she wore was the one the corpse groom had made for her. He believed that she wanted to feel like she was marrying the other man, but in actuality, she just felt pretty in the dress, and it made her feel secure and safe.

After the deed was done, the girl awoke from the black screen of death into the land of the dead. She felt distraught and was still reeling from her death.
However, when she saw her corpse groom, she felt her unbeating heart melt with relief. She knew she was safe with him because he loved her. Him having given her up, proved as much. Maybe she'd be okay, despite what had just happened.

Of course, though, she didn't know that she wasn't okay, because her corpse groom had deceived her.
And in the past months she had been gone, he had told everyone of how his true love had left him for the land of the living, for another man, how she had broken his heart, and how she had promised to marry him, but hadn't kept her promise.

Getting to her feet, her body still trembling from what her living groom had done to her, she went to approach her corpse groom, hoping he'd just hold her in his arms and love her, because she needed something to make the pain go away,

Before she could get near him though, her arms were restrained as the others in the land of the dead grabbed her. They always stuck up for one another, and her breaking the heart of the beloved corpse groom made her particularly horrid.
And so, like they had done before, they dragged her off to torture her.
And unlike Emily, who had found her happy ending, the spiteful corpse groom joined in on his bride's torture.

The wedding dress that he had made for her was ripped and splattered with blood given she had only recently died.
Her screams and pleads could be heard echoing through the halls, even into the streets, of the land of the dead.
She didn't know how long the torture lasted, she just knew it felt like an eternity.
By the end, her dark eyes had become dull, her screaming having ceased at the realization there'd be no help, her body now littered with scars.
In a sense, she had died twice.

Her corpse groom delighted in the work he and the others had done, and kneeled before her, caressing her cold cheek, watching as she winced and cried, but didn't speak.
And finally, he spoke, asking what he hadn't bothered to before.
"So, did you enjoy your life with him above?"

Raising her teary gaze, she peered at him with dull eyes, her lips trembling as she spoke.
"He killed me... Now you killed me too... I wish this was the end, I wish it'd fade to black, please, please, make it fade to black..." She murmured pleadingly, a tad crazed, broken.

However after she had spoken, a voice rang out, calling her name, and immediately, the girl screamed and covered her head in horror.
No, god, no, please no, not them both, why both? She couldn't survive with them both.

"New arrival~" Could be heard being called out not long after the man had spoken, indicating another had joined the land of the dead.

As if her scream of horror doomed her, the patter of feet could be heard entering the room where she and the corpse groom were.

Tattered, broken, and horrified, she was forced to face both the men who had taken away her life and her death.


I know the idea is already rather long, but feel free to add what you want to this.
And as mentioned above, the LIs are completely up to you. <3

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