// "Obsessed, it's scary." "Can you blame me?" //

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Sorry if the tag is a bother, I just wanted to post a bit of an idea/concept I had. It's mainly for Kiku x Slade since we've talked about their ship a lot lately.

I rewatched the trailer for the Two Faced Charade film; it was based off the album and short story, and it made me think that a similar plot could be a horror version of their ship;

What mainly inspired the idea was the opening words that the main character speaks about love. The dismissal of puppy love and what most people feel when they experience love for the first time, regarding it as bullshit.

It reminded me of how Slade has often been mentioned to not really feel much until he meets Kiku, leading him to disregard love. The line of knowing someone's your true love the second you lay eyes on them also reminded me of Slade given that its also been said that when he first meets Kiku, he immediately knows she's the one.

We've also used Two-Faced Charade to be a horror/yandere representation of their ship in the past on both ends since both have been said to most likely go to such extremes over the other.

I thought though making a little AU/Imagines chapter based on this could be interesting though.

Since Slade is your OC, feel free to add anything to this chapter that you'd like. I'd love to hear the personal ideas you may have for this AU, and I'm always delighted to have your input since it's honestly really appreciated to have a little more than just my ideas included!


Growing up, the man was considered a freak, likely due to his odd looks that while not unattractive, were unconventional.
His father often worried about him. His son never seemed to be romantically interested in anyone. He didn't even really seem interested in people for any other means either. He kept to himself, even with Jude's encouragement for him to do what he wanted.

While his father was rich and supportive of him, Slade eventually decided to move out and be on his own. Jude was welcomed to visit, but Slade honestly liked the calm of being on his own. He loved his father, but something about being around people drained him of his energy.
He loved the calm of being able to sit back and relax. To recline on his couch, a beer in hand, or a cigarette, as he leaned his head back, eyes closed, his music softly playing, or the silence floating around him, no one there to bother him.

When Slade suddenly had a new neighbor; one that had quickly replaced the one that had moved out, he was unenthused at the thought.
He hated knowing he'd likely have to at least send them a kind smile. That he'd have to adjust to the music he'd undoubtedly hear because the homes were that close.

That all changed the day the woman moved in. He hadn't planned to even say hi, not wanting to bother whoever was carrying their things in.
Though... His heart skipped a beat as his eyes landed on the woman who was carrying in a box that looked so big given her short height. When she looked up right at him, dark eyes shyly examining him, a hand clumsily adjusting around the box to wave as she sent this shy but sweet smile, he felt as if his world was finally complete.
That was it, he knew it. True love.

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