Lean On Me (f)

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"Jeonghannie..I'm tired.." Joshua was tipping over while the paparazzi continued to take pictures of them after their interview. They just smiled and waved while Joshua looked like he was about to pass out.

Jeonghan quickly wrapped his arm around Joshua's waist and pushed the younger's head onto his shoulder.

"It's okay, love. You can fall asleep." Jeonghan rubbed Joshua's shoulder as Joshua slowly closed his eyes. He wasn't going to fall asleep, but merely just rest his eyes.

After the picture taking was done, Jeonghan shook Joshua and the younger lifted his head up, looking at the taller man.

"It's time to go. You can sleep in the car." Jeonghan smiled at him, lovingly. They walked to the black van and sat in the second row.

Jeonghan let Joshua sleep on his shoulder for the rest of the drive which was an hour and a half.

Jeonghan couldn't help, but stare at the pretty guy's face the whole time. 'How can someone look so gorgeous sleeping?' Jeonghan thought.

He wrapped his arm around Joshua's waist and ended up falling asleep as well.

Author's Note: My first YoonHong skit! Hope you enjoy and I'll be making more fanfics in the future!!❤️❤️


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