I Missed You (a+f)

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"Oh! Good morning Jisoo! Off to the park again?" 

"Yes Grandma. I'll go to work after, don't worry." Jisoo says, pecking his grandmother's cheek. "Take care of yourself while I'm gone, okay?"

"Jisoo dear...How long are you going to wait..?" she asked. 

"..For as long as it takes. He said he'll meet me after all.." Jisoo says, smiling softly as he looks at the ground. "I'll get going, okay Grandma? Bye." 

"Bye dear...Take care." 

Jisoo left the small apartment, closing the door and locking it. 

He smiled on his way to the park in his office suit. He can't take too long or else his boss would get mad at him like last time.

He sat on the park swing and let out a long and desperate sigh. 

"..When will you come back..Jeonghan..? You said to wait for you..." Jisoo says, fighting back the sob in his throat. "Will you ever come back..?"

He sat there, sobbing his eyes out. He held tightly onto the swing handles, looking down at the sandy floor. 

Jisoo wiped away his tears, calming down so he could go to work. He stood up, sighing as he walked away from the playground until he bumped into someone. 

"Oh my gosh! I-I'm sorry!" Jisoo says, gasping as the man caught him.

He looked up and there he was. Yoon Jeonghan. 

"..Jeonghan..?" Jisoo called out, gripping onto Jeonghan's coat sleeves. 

"I...I'm back.." Jeonghan says, smiling softly. 

Jisoo froze, not knowing what to do. Just stared at Jeonghan's face, tearing up. 

By instinct, he jumped into Jeonghan's arms, hugging the older as tight as he could. Jeonghan hugged back, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist. 

"Jeonghan! I missed you!" Jisoo sobbed, choking on his own words. "Where have you been!?" he cried, hitting the older's chest. 

"I missed you so much, my dear...I am so sorry...I really wanted to see you. I really did, but I never had the time to...Everyone piled all their work and stress onto me that I had no idea what to do. But I couldn't help it. I had to see you.." Jeonghan says, resting his head on Jisoo's shoulder. 

"You left me for so long.." Jisoo cried. "I waited. I waited like you told me, Jeonghan." 

"Thank you so much for waiting, Jisoo...Now I'm back. Sorry for keeping you waiting." Jeonghan says. He leaned in and connected their lips as Jisoo sobbed into the kiss.

"I really, really missed you Jeonghan..." he sobbed. "Why did you leave me..? I was so lonely.."

Jeonghan's heart ached. "I'm so sorry...I'll never leave you again." Jeonghan says.

"Please don't.."

Author's Note: i was feelinggg angsty but also really fluffy ❤


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