A Bouquet For My Flower (f)

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"Bouquets! Get your bouquets!"

Jeonghan looks over at the flower shop, hearing the friendly yells from the florist. 

"Sir, would you like a bouquet?" the florist asks Jeonghan. Jeonghan was going to say no, but remembered he was on a date with no other than Hong Jisoo. 

"Sure. I'll take a bouquet." Jeonghan says. 

He turned to his boyfriend, who was using his phone, not paying attention to what was going on.

"Shuji, I'll be right back, okay?" Jeonghan says.

"Huh? Oh, okay." Jisoo nodded and looked back at his phone. 

Jeonghan followed the florist into the shop and was immediately hit with a huge smell of different kinds of flowers.

"Which bouquet would you like, sir? We have different types and they're all for sale this week." The florist was very sweet. They way he talks made Jeonghan felt comfortable to ask questions about the flowers.

"Uhm...Is there anything you would recommend? I want to buy one for my boyfriend, but I'm not sure what to buy." Jeonghan confessed.

"Ahh...So it's for a date?" The florist smiled at Jeonghan. "Of course! Do you happen to know your boyfriend's favorite flower. If he has one?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't asked and he doesn't really talk about them. I think he'll like any bouquet if it just looks pretty." Jeonghan says.

"Oh! Then this would be perfect!" The florist handed Jeonghan a bouquet of beautiful mix matched flowers. Jeonghan immediately knew Jisoo would like them. 

"It's perfect

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"It's perfect." Jeonghan smiled. The two walked to the counter and Jeonghan paid for the bouquet. 

"I hope your boyfriend likes it!" the florist yells before Jeonghan left the store.

"Thank you!" 

Leaving the store, Jeonghan immediately went up to his boyfriend with the bouquet in his hands. Jisoo looked up, feeling the presence of a person. He saw Jeonghan, smiling and holding a gorgeous bouquet.

Jisoo gasped, "Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!"

"It's for you." Jeonghan says, handing the younger the bouquet.

"Awww! Really?" Jisoo took the bouquet with happiness. "Thank you!"

Jisoo gave his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek, stuffing his phone in his pocket. 

"Sorry I didn't pay much attention to you, baby...I'm just a bit worried about my college assignments and grades." Jisoo pouted of guilt, but Jeonghan immediately kissed him.

"Don't worry about, Shuji. Just don't stress too much over it." Jeonghan says.

"I know, I know... Thank you." Jisoo smiled and kissed the older again. "Now, what's with this bouquet? It's gorgeous but very random. Is this what you left to buy?"

"Yeah it is. A bouquet for my flower." Jeonghan says.

"Awww~ That's so cringe babe." Jisoo said, sarcastically.

"Okay whatever." Jeonghan rolled his eyes, making the younger giggle. 

"I'm just joking~ I love you." Jisoo placed his fists on the older's chest, leaning up to hover over Jeonghan's lips. 

"I love you too." Jeonghan held the younger's skinny waist and connected their lips.

Author's Note: ❤


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