If Rival Why Pretty? (f+idk)

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"Jeonghan! Good luck!"

"Jeonghan! Win this!" 

It was the day Jeonghan's basketball team was going against another team for a practice match. Some people from his school has gathered to watch the match.

Jeonghan was about to get changed, but suddenly remembered that he had forgotten his basketball shoes in his locker.

"Ah, Captain, I'm going to go get my sneakers." Jeonghan says.

"Okay, be quick!" Seungcheol yelled as Jeonghan rushed out of the changing room.

The halls were empty since everyone was in class. The only people that weren't in class were the ones with free periods or the basketball team.

Once he got to his locker, he grabbed his sneakers and began his way back to the changing rooms. But suddenly, he stopped midway.

There was the most beautiful guy Jeonghan had ever seen. The guy had pretty black hair and his eyes were big, yet cat like. He seemed to be zoning into his phone.

Jeonghan had to get his number.

Jeonghan didn't think it would be hard. After all, girls has been falling for him since the beginning of high school. Jeonghan was determined to get the other's number.

As Jeonghan walk towards other, the guy looked up, noticing Jeonghan. The guy was a bit shocked at first, but gave Jeonghan a smile.

"Hello." Even his voice was angelic.

"Hey, I was just wondering if I could get your number?" Jeonghan asked, giving the other a genuine smile. A smile that all the girls fall for. "I thought you were really pretty and I'm quite interested."

"Oh?" The other had a slight smirk on his face. For an angel looking guy, Jeonghan felt like he was getting involved with the devil.

The other scanned Jeonghan before replying. "Sure, I'll give you my number."


"I'll give you my number if  you win the basketball game." Jeonghan looked at the guy, confused and shocked. No one had really said anything like this to him. It made him even more interested.

"What makes you think I'm playing?" Jeonghan asked with a smirk across his face.

"Your shoes. They're basketball shoes." the guy says.

"Oh. Right." Jeonghan says. "Hey..what's your name?"

"My name? It's Jisoo. Hong Jisoo." the guy answered, "And your's?"

"Yoon Jeonghan. Pleasure to meet you." Jeonghan held out his hand for Jisoo and the other happily took it. Jeonghan brought it up to his lips and kissed the other's hand.

"You're quite a flirt, aren't you?" Jisoo asks.

"Maybe a little." Jeonghan winked at the other, but then realized that he has a game to attend. "Shit. I'm gonna be late. Meet me in the front of the school after the game. Get your number ready."

Jeonghan rushed away with the other waving goodbye.


"Jeonghan! What took you so long!?" Seungcheol immediately scolded the younger once he got into the room. Before Jeonghan could answer, Seungcheol interrupted him. "Whatever, just go get changed!"

"Okay! Okay!" Jeonghan quickly went for his bag and changed into his jersey and shoes.

"Hyung~ You're gonna get scold later." Mingyu teased.

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