Tears of Joy Pt. 2 (a+f)

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Joshua woke up in an unfamiliar room. "Where the fuck am I?" His head began to hurt as he tried remembering what had happened.

He got up from the bed and walked out the room. It looked like a normal apartment and it was slightly familiar.

He got to the living room and finally saw someone. But, out of all people, he definitely didn't want to see this guy.

"Jeonghan!?" Joshua backed a few steps away.

Jeonghan's head flipped over and their eyes connected. "Oh. You're awake."

"Why am I here? What did you do to me!?" Jeonghan stood up and started walking towards the younger.

"I didn't do anything to you, Jisoo." Jeonghan put his hands up to defend himself. "You..you came here."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you were drunk." Jeonghan answered. "You knocked on my door and I opened it to see a drunk Jisoo. You were crying and it was raining outside so I let you in. I didn't think you would have a...a break down.."

Joshua finally remembered.


He had gotten drunk with a few friends and while he drank, he cried from the thought of Jeonghan. So his first thought was to go to Jeonghan's apartment that he didn't even know if the guy still lived in. It had been 3 years after all.

Jeonghan had let him in and he just stood still, looking at his feet.

"Why are you here?" Is what the older asked. Joshua didn't answer. He couldn't find the right words.

"I hate you.." Is all he could mutter out, but Jeonghan heard.

"Jisoo, take a seat." Joshua sat on the couch and Jeonghan sat next to him. "Look. If you want to talk about the whole situation, I think you should wait until you're not dru-"

"I hate you so much..." Joshua began crying again. "You betrayed me. Both you and Nari.."


"Out of all people...you guys had to go for each other? Out of all people!" Joshua's voice got louder, startling the older. Joshua finally looked over at Jeonghan. His eyes burning with rage.

"We shouldn't talk about this now-" Jeonghan placed his hand on the younger's arm, but it was slapped away. Joshua punched Jeonghan in the face.

"You fucking asshole! How could you...With my best friend too! I thought you could've went for any girl.." Joshua climbed onto the older's lap and began punching his chest. "Do you really have to hurt me this much!? Huh!? Do you know..do you know how much trust I put into you guys for you to just throw it all away!?"

Joshua was sobbing his eyes out. "Are you..are you happy with her..?"

"Jisoo..there's only one person I love...Jisoo? Jisoo!" Joshua passed out. The last thing he remembered was pair of hands catching him.

-Back to the present-

"..Fuck...I'll get going." Joshua started to walk towards the door, but Jeonghan stopped him.

"But I haven't finished my sentence from last night." Jeonghan held onto the younger's hand.

"I know, I know, it's Nari. Sorry for intruding. I hope you and Nari-"

"Jisoo! Nari and I..Nari and I left each other." Joshua's eyes widen. "We weren't happy together. Especially if I was in love with someone else."

Joshua didn't want to hear who it was. He held his breath and froze.

"Jisoo...I love you still...Fuck, I know this is really, really dumb, but I never stopped. You can leave, but I just wanted you to-"

"Are you fucking serious?" Joshua clenched his hands. "You hurt me for years just to tell me you still love me!? And why would I trust you!? You married my best friend!"

"I'm not asking for you to trust me. I just wanted you to know and you can do whatever you want." Jeonghan looked down. He looked as if he was mentally punching himself.

And his eyes. His eyes were filled with guilt and Joshua's not sure what, but he trusted Jeonghan way too much. Even after what had happened, he can't help but just give in.

"Jeonghan.." Joshua held onto both of Jeonghan's hands. "How about..how about I give you another chance. A chance to prove yourself...I never stopped loving you, but I didn't want to go back after what happened. And I don't know if I should so if you prove to me I should then I might.."

"Really? Jisoo, I swear, I won't hurt you again. If I do, leave me forever. Don't even look at me. But I will love you perfectly this time." Joshua smiled at his words.

"Okay, Jeonghan.." Jeonghan brought him into a warm hug and they stayed like that for a bit.

"Thank you, Jisoo."

Author's Note: imma be honest guys, its really hard for me to write angst because i love happy endings. you can exclude this part 2 because i dont really like it when people get back together after a pretty toxic situation. so depending on how you feel, you can imagine the skit with or without the part 2. 😘❤️


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