Happy Valentines Day (f)

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Joshua was just walking down the hall when he started to hear a bunch of gasps and whispers. Everyone seemed to be looking at him or at least around him.

He found it really weird. Maybe there was something on his face? Maybe he had toilet paper sticking out.

He turned around to check and thats when he saw it.

Jeonghan was holding a huge rose bouquet and a large heart box with chocolate.

"Holy shit! You scared the fuck out of me." Joshua laughed nervously.

"Hello Jisoo." Jeonghan smiled.

"Uh..h-hi?" Joshua became embarrassed. Everyone was staring and whispering. Who'd think the most handsome looking man at school would do this? People think Joshua is good looking too. Together, they would be a power couple.

"Happy Valentines Day." Jeonghan says, still smiling that soft smile of his. He held out the gifts for Joshua to take but Joshua didn't take them immediately.

"Uhm..thank you.." Joshua hesitantly took the stuff, wobbling a bit from how big and heavy they were.

"Will you be my Valentine, Jisoo?" Jeonghan asks.

"Oh!" Joshua was half expecting that. "Sure! I would love to." Joshua finally returned Jeonghan's smile when Jeonghan's eyes lit up.

"Really?" Jeonghan asks, receiving a small nod.

"Thank you for these. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything in return. If I knew you would get me these, I would've gotten you something.." Joshua says.

"Don't worry about it. It was a surprise after all." Jeonghan says, smiling. "But, if you want to give me something in return, then you can be my date to the dance."

Joshua giggled at the older's smooth pick up line. "Sure. I'll go with you."

Jeonghan did the 'Yes!' gesture before reaching into his backpack. "Here. I got you this too." he says.

"Oh! Seriously, this is too much Jeonghan." Joshua says, looking at the bear and then back at Jeonghan.

"Of course it isn't. You're worth everything, Jisoo." Jisoo blushed at Jeonghan's words. "Do you need help carrying them?"

"Yes please." Joshua laughed, handing Jeonghan's the bouquet of roses. He took the stuffed bear and held onto it. "Thank you a lot Jeonghan."

"Of course."


"You look great, Jisoo."

"Aw..thank you.." Jisoo blushed. "You look great too." Jeonghan took the younger's hand, guiding the both of them into the gym where the dance was being held.

"Thank you for asking me to be your date, Jeonghan." Joshua says, smiling ever so brightly.

"No need to thank me. Who wouldn't ask you? You're gorgeous." Jeonghan says, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist and pulling him closer.

"Th-Thank you." Joshua blushed at how close he was. "Uhm..can I ask you a question though?"

"Of course."

"How come me? There's a bunch of other people that would die to be with you." Joshua says.

"Well I wouldn't die to be with them. You're the only person I'd die for, Jisoo." Jeonghan winked at the younger.

"I-I would die for you too, Jeonghan.." Joshua looked away, blushing hard.

"Jisoo." Jeonghan called out. Joshua turned back, looking a little up at the older. "Can I..Can I kiss you?"

Joshua blushed, but hesitantly nodded. Jeonghan leaned closer and closer until their lips connected, sharing a soft and loving kiss.

Author's Note: a quick valentines day ff

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