Tears of Joy (a)

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Joshua found himself crying at the couple's wedding. He's not sure why he decided to go, but he did.

They gave the speeches and when the groom finished his, Joshua just bawled his eyes out.

He covered his eyes and mouth, trying to hold in his sobs. He should've seen this coming. Why did he go?

Joshua managed to hold in most of his cries and wiped away his tears when the host suddenly asked a random question.

"Would anyone like to give any speeches or gratitudes for the married couple?" The host looked around to see if there were any raised hands.

"Joshua! C'mon! Give us a speech!" It was his best friend. She invited him to the wedding and for some reason thought it would be a good idea for him to give the couple a speech.

Not sure why she thought it was a good idea. Especially if she married his ex boyfriend, Yoon Jeonghan.

"I'm fine. I don't really have anything to say.." His voice cracked from the clogged cry in his throat.

"Please Shua...It's my wedding." Nari begged.

Joshua gave in and grabbed the microphone. "Uhm..I hope you are all enjoying the wedding. I am going to give a speech for the happy couple..uh.." Joshua kept pausing to hold in his tears. "I hope you guys are happy and well. Please treat each other in the best way possible and I-"

His voice cracked and that's when he couldn't hold in his tears. The people that don't know that Jeonghan is his ex just thought he was crying tears of joy.

"Uhm...I'm gonna get going.." Joshua rushed off stage and grabbed his coat before running out of the building. Nari was calling after him, but he didn't stop.

The two people that he trusted and loved dearly had betrayed him and are now living a happy life without him. There's no reason for him to not be upset.

He sobbed as he ran into his car. Before he got in, he just stood there. His tears feel from his eyes and onto the floor as he stared into his reflections from the window.

"Jisoo.." Joshua turned his head to the familiar voice. It was Jeonghan.

Joshua took out his keys and was about to open the car door, but Jeonghan stopped him.

"Why..? Why are you crying?" Joshua didn't answer. He just let the tears flow down his face. "Jisoo..you said you were okay with it."

"I said that because she's my best friend, okay!? And..it's not like I would have a chance anyways.." Joshua stopped talking because if he continued, he would sob out all his words.

"She's your best friend. If you told her you weren't fine with it, I'm sure she would list-"

"But she wouldn't! The fact that she even married you was unbelievable, but I can't say anything because if I did, it would make me sound selfish." Joshua began sobbing again. "If..if she really was my best friend..why in the world would she marry my ex boyfriend out of all people."

"Jisoo.." Jeonghan tried holding the younger's hand to comfort him, but Joshua slapped it away.

"And she knew...She knew that I still loved you, but she didn't care.." Joshua sobbed into his hands while Jeonghan was confused and surprised.

"You still love me?" Jeonghan tried to hold onto Joshuas hand again and this time Joshua didn't slap it away. As much as he wanted to, he didn't.

"It doesn't matter, Jeonghan." Joshua covered his face. "I can't believe that I'm crying because of this."

Joshua wiped his tears away and opened the car door. Before he got in, he turned to the older, staring at his eyes.

"Have..have fun with her. I hope you guys treat each other well.." Joshua was about to get in the car, but Jeonghan stopped him. "Jeonghan, I-"

Jeonghan pulled him in and hugged him. That was Joshua's last string. His voice started cracking as he sobbed into the older's shoulder.

Jeonghan pulled away, holding the younger's shoulders. "I'm sorry I couldn't give you my love, Jisoo.."

Joshua took a deep breath, letting out a few cries before getting in the car and slamming the door. Jeonghan just stood there and watched as the younger drove away.

'I'm sorry Joshuji..' Jeonghan let out a sigh.

"Jeonghan? Where's Shua?" Nari held Jeonghan's shoulder and the made eye contact. "Did..did he leave..?"

Jeonghan didn't respond because Nari already knew the answer. Nari did her best to hold in her tears. 'I'm sorry, Shua...I'm selfish, I know.'

Author's Note: the end 😘😘😘❤️


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