Snap Shoot (idk)

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"There, I took the photo now let's go!" Jeonghan handed the phone back to the younger.

"Aww! But the view is so nice for a picture! You know I need to post on Instagram!" Joshua held the phone close to his chest and flashed his doe eyes at the other.

"That's not going to work this time. Let's go. It's getting dark." Jeonghan sighed. He was holding himself back from giving in to the doe eyes.

"Ugh! But you only took one photo!" Joshua crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows together.

Jeonghan sighed, "Okay, okay. Fine. I'll take a few more, but after we're going back to the hotel."

Joshua's frown turned into a huge grin before handing the phone to the older once again.

"Make sure to take good photos!" Joshua yelled from afar since he was getting into place for the photos.

"You know I will!" Jeonghan yelled back.


"Yah! Jeonghannie! These photos are god awful!" Joshua looked at the older, angrily. In return, Jeonghan just shrugged at the younger's pout.

"We'll be here for a week, Shuji. You'll have plenty of time to take photos." Jeonghan wrapped his arm around the younger's waist.

"Whatever.." Joshua says, making the other laugh.

Author's Note: ❤️


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